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Services by category

Due to recent funding adjustments, we are reviewing the charge rates for all our services. Starting in early 2025, some services will see new rates implemented, while others will experience rate increases, subject to approval by the Office of Sponsored Programs. We will share the updated rate structure once it is finalized.

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Clinical Research Operations and Conduct

Clinical & Translational Research Center (CTRC)

Clinical facility operations, nursing services, specimen processing and storage facilities.

Regulatory Support

Clinical regulatory assistance, guidance, and education for investigators and study coordinators.

Study Coordination and Management Services (RCMU)

Access to part-time study coordinators, project managers, and assistance hiring/onboarding for human subjects research.

Proposal Development, Funding, and Team Science

Pilot Funding

Pilot funding opportunities including the Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Pilot award and the UNC/Novant Research Advisory Council awards.

Proposal Development

Proposal review and editorial support, identifying funding sources, grantsmanship training and education, sample applications, and TraCS Letters of Support.

Team Science

Assistance with identifying collaborators, tools to develop and sustain teams, team development and management, and funding through the ACTeR program.

Clinical & Translational Science (CTS) Research Program

Funds the development of innovative solutions to scientific and operational roadblocks in translational research.

Engagement Voucher Program

Vouchers of up to $5,000 support engagement-related activities during the pre-award period.

Clinical Informatics and Electronic Health Record Data

Informatics and Data Science (IDSci)

Learn about or request data from the Carolina Data Warehouse for Health for research purposes.

Research Analytics, Design, and Data Management


Biostatistical collaboration, consultation, statistical methodology support, data analysis, assistance with grant and manuscript preparation

FastTraCS (R&D/Commercialization)

Quick translation of discoveries, ideas, and inventions into marketable products. R&D and research commercialization support.

Real World Evidence

Access to real-world healthcare databases available at UNC-Chapel Hill, study design, epidemiological methods, data linkage, and pilot data for external grant applications.

Implementation Science Methods Unit

Technical assistance for D&I science proposals, finding collaborators with D&I expertise, selecting and refining approaches to dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions.

Qualitative Research Service

Methodologies and best practices for qualitative data collection and analysis; tailored qualitative research study support and mentorship.

Integrated Methods & Research Design

Assistance with mixed-method approaches; integrating dissimilar concepts/constructs; data collection techniques, data, and/or forms of analysis.

Engagement, Recruitment, and Inclusion in Research

Patient and Community Engagement in Research (PaCER)

Trainings and resources for research teams and community/patient partners; tailored study support for engagement; facilitated connections between research teams and partners.

Research Recruitment and Retention

Planning or troubleshooting recruitment and retention efforts, creating/optimizing recruitment materials, MyChart recruitment.

Health equity research design and multilingual inclusion

Health equity, population diversity, and data equity in research design; descriptive analyses for demographic reporting; qualitative research support and mentorship with Spanish-speaking and marginalized populations.

Practice-based Research (NCNC)

Guidance for conducting research in healthcare and practice-based settings.

Training and Career Development

Training and Career Development

K12 program, R writing groups, mock reviews, Career Development Award (K) writing groups, mentor identification/training, responsible conduct of research.

Training & Career Development

We provide learning opportunities and training for all types of researchers — from junior academics to community advocates — in areas that help accelerate the advancement of translational research.

We have a number of formal educational programs tailored specifically to interdisciplinary clinical and translational science:

  • R Writing Groups are for individuals who have not yet received an R or R-type award. These groups assist investigators with the preparation of proposals or resubmissions for NIH or other funding sources.
  • Career Development Award Writing Groups guide participants through the preparation of a Career Development Award (NIH K or other sponsor) and prepare participants to mentor other individuals in the preparation of this type of application.
  • Mock Reviews are grant proposal reviews set up before the proposal is submitted. They are an effective way to identify potential reviewer concerns with the proposal and to brainstorm strategies to address the concerns.
  • Consultation services from TraCS faculty and staff are available. We meet with individuals to discuss careers in clinical/translational research, strategies for specific grants, ideas for mentors, and specific training needs. Request a consultation
  • TraCS Professional Development Seminar — This seminar series held during the academic year is an introduction to foundational concepts important for early stage researchers and team members. The series is divided into five modules:
    1. Finding funding: basic proposal development, introduction to NIH and non-NIH funding mechanisms, pilot awards, foundation funding
    2. Communication skills: paper writing, 10-minute scientific talk, pitches, working with the media
    3. Mentor/Mentee training: eight core concepts needed for successful mentoring relationships
    4. Applied Good Clinical and Data Practices: introduction to how regulations regarding human subjects research in applied to actual projects
    5. Lessons Learned from Successful Researchers: developing a strong NIH biosketch, panel on tips for early stage researchers, time management and career strategies, non-PI roles in research

    When available, trainings are posted on the UNC Event Registration page under the sponsor NC TraCS (Translational and Clinical Sciences) Institute: NIH CTSA at UNC-CH.

  • Accessing courses at UNC: To obtain the most up-to-date information on formal courses offered through UNC, check the University's course catalog at More information, such as a syllabus, can often be found on the specific department's web page. If you and/or your mentors believe a formal course is the best way to obtain training in a specific topic, there are 3 ways to enroll:
    1. Through a degree program (e.g. MPH, MSCR, etc.): Your academic program will give you instructions on enrolling.
    2. As a part-time, non-degree student: Use this option if you are not accepted into a degree program at the time you wish to take the class, but still want to take the course for academic credit. This means you will be required to pay tuition and will receive a grade reflected on a UNC transcript. For this option, you must complete an application through the Friday Center for Continuing Education at
      A few things to remember:
      a.  If you plan to apply credits to a future degree program you should double check how many credits you can bring in from your time as a non-degree student.
      b.  Admission to part-time studies does not guarantee acceptance into a degree program.
      c.  UNC Digital and Lifelong Learning also offers continuing education options with information available at
    3. Auditing: This means you do not pay tuition and will not receive academic credit. Permission to audit is given by each course instructor directly so you should email the course director as soon as you know you want to audit.
  • For Program Directors and Mentors: TraCS faculty are available to:
    • consult at the time you are writing your grant application to develop training and evaluation plans as well as to provide letters of support
    • assist with the delivery of training within your program
    • serve on advisory or evaluation committees or mentor panels
    • coordinate efforts across campus directed at training for clinical/translational researchers
  • Introductory courses in clinical/translational research: Individuals who are thinking about careers in clinical research or who need a refresher in basic concepts can take advantage of the TraCS Professional Development Seminar and/or the NIH on-line course: Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
  • Masters of Science in Clinical Research is a 2-year degree program for those who already have a doctoral degree and who are seeking to develop the skills necessary for a successful career as a principal investigator and collaborator in clinical/translational research.

View the NC TraCS events calendar to see all scheduled learning opportunities, events and training programs for clinical and translational researchers.

related services

Educational Events and Opportunities

View a monthly calendar of all TraCS-sponsored learning opportunities and other relevant trainings and events.

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