Assistance with mixed-method approaches; integrating dissimilar concepts/constructs; data collection techniques, data, and/or forms of analysis.

Integrated Methods & Research Design

TraCS offers a range of support services to investigators who use or are considering heterogeneous methodological approaches in their research.

A successful study can depend on the integration of contrasting study design elements. Heterogeneous methodologies or data may be needed to corroborate or distinguish between different, but related results; to elaborate findings; or simply to address basic research questions that haven't been answered in sufficient detail.

TraCS supports investigators who face the challenge of integrating contrasting methodologies. We help to resolve problems resulting from mixing dissimilar concepts and constructs, diverse data collection techniques, different kinds of data to be collected, and/or different forms of analysis. Generally, such challenges arise when research designs combine both:

  • social-behavioral questions regarding what people feel, think, say, or do (often treated as "qualitative"), and
  • quantitative variables, which do not require researchers to distinguish between objects and persons.

Support is most productive at the design stage. Our study design consultations help research investigators:

  • refine proposed methodologies
  • clarify the connection between methods and research questions
  • identify the theoretical perspective being used to interpret data
  • evaluate approach(es) to data analysis
  • locate potential obstacles that could prevent valid findings

TraCS offers engaged, collaborative consulting support across the research spectrum—from earliest brainstorming of study design possibilities, through proposal development and study implementation, to data analysis, to dissemination of findings.

Request a study design consultation to learn how we can help with your research.


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Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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