Access to part-time study coordinators, project managers, and assistance hiring/onboarding for human subjects research.

Research Coordination & Management Unit (RCMU) logo

We support UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health Care System investigators in conducting high quality clinical and translational research — ensuring regulatory compliance, procedural efficiency, and data collection best practices.

We provide professional, experienced study coordinators and project managers equipped to perform a wide range of study coordination and management services to investigators across UNC and UNCHCS while:

  • Developing and disseminating operating procedures and best practice guidelines to standardize research processes across projects, promoting compliance
  • Leveraging CTSA resources to offer innovative approaches to improve the quality and efficiency of research project execution and data collection
  • Providing a model of multi-disciplinary continuous education and improvement to promote professional development of research coordinators
  • Establishing effective relationships and communication practices to bolster successful collaborations

RCMU services to investigators are offered at an hourly recharge rate.

Our services can be utilized to perform full study management, to assist with specific study components, or to fill-in for regular research staff as needed.

Learn more about the RCMU at

Request RCMU Services

What our customers are saying...

[RCMU staff has] the concept of running a clinical trial and coordinating within UNC. This makes training the specific protocol or therapeutic area much easier and minimizes training time to start a trial.

— RCMU customer

RCMU has relieved a huge amount of stress and freed up my bandwidth to focus on science! Just the process of meeting with Laura Tuttle and discussing a possible scope of work was very helpful.

— RCMU customer

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Contact Us

Brinkhous-Bullitt, 2nd floor
160 N. Medical Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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CitE and SUBMit CTSA Grant number - UM1TR004406

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