UNC’s CRMS is a full-service clinical trial management system that supports investigators' study administration needs from start-up to close.

The CRMS is integrated with Epic, meaning that study and participant data entered into the CRMS will flow over to Epic automatically.

Clinical Research Management System

UNC's CRMS is a full-service clinical trial management system that supports investigators' study administration needs from start-up to close.

The CRMS is integrated with Epic, meaning that study and participant data entered into the CRMS will flow over to Epic automatically. Using the CRMS, you can:

  • Create study records and enroll patients for transmission to Epic
  • Create a billing coverage analysis for your study, which can then be translated to both a budget for your study and a billing calendar in Epic
  • Provide details about your study to the Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC), and schedule patient appointments
  • Access IRB documents and track the progress of study approvals
  • Request and determine charges for Investigational Drug Service (IDS) support
  • Request contract help and processing from the Office of Clinical Trials

As of March 2014, all studies that either (1) are drug or device trials, or (2) require billable items or services from UNC Health Care, must be entered into either CRMS (for non-oncology studies) or OnCore (for oncology studies). This requirement also generally applies to any study that will be recorded in Epic.

To review the CRMS on your own, log in with your ONYEN at irbis.research.unc.edu/crms.

For online training materials and helpful hints, visit Research Central.

For more information on in-person CRMS and Epic training, visit Research Central and click on "Registering for Research Training".


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