UNC offers the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) — an interdisciplinary research and training program that plays a key role in fulfilling UNC-Chapel Hill's commitment to improving human health through health informatics research, data sharing, development and education.

CHIP has recently grown to include the Program on Health and Clinical Informatics (PHCI), an initiative driven by the UNC School of Medicine and NC TraCS.

Academic Programs in Informatics

The Carolina Health Informatics Program

UNC offers the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) — an interdisciplinary research and training program that plays a key role in fulfilling UNC-Chapel Hill's commitment to improving human health through health informatics research, data sharing, development and education.

CHIP logo

CHIP draws faculty, health care professionals and students from across the UNC campus to conduct basic and translational research — and to offer graduate training in health informatics for scientists across the disciplines and for clinicians in medicine, nursing, public health, dentistry and pharmacy.

CHIP offers certificates, a master's degree, and a doctoral degree in health informatics.

Visit the CHIP website to learn more.

The Program on Health and Clinical Informatics

CHIP has recently grown to include the Program on Health and Clinical Informatics (PHCI), an initiative driven by the UNC School of Medicine and NC TraCS.

PHCI logo

As director of PHCI, Dr. Sam Cykert has joined with a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the schools of Pharmacy, Public Health, Information & Library Science and Medicine to develop a PhD program in Clinical Informatics, with a special emphasis on translational and applied informatics.

Visit the PHCI website to learn more.

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160 N. Medical Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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