Thursday, February 01, 2024
Odum Institute: Advances in Mixed and Qualitative Analysis
Thu. 1 Feb, 2024 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Advances in Mixed and Qualitative Analysis
The growing presences of examples that pair mixed methods with qualitative methodologies like grounded theory where there is a sustained commitment to an exploratory drive have introduced a variety of innovations in the way the methodology is practiced. In this short course, author of three textbooks about mixed methods research with a contemporary orientation, Professor Elizabeth G. Creamer, draws out features of qualitatively oriented mixed methods research by highlighting three mixed analytical procedures: integrative case-based analysis, integrated and joint displays, and blended or mixed themes. Among the goals of the short course is that participants will learn (1) with mixed methods grounded theory as an example, a strategy to dissect the foundational assumptions of two methodologies and the synergies likely to emerge by pairing them, (2) how to integrate data from different sources through case-based analysis, including with visual data, (3) how to construct dynamic joint and integrated displays that serve different purposes, and (4) how to integrate during analysis by generating mixed or blended themes. Participants can benefit from this workshop without much prior exposure to mixed methods research.