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TraCS Professional Development: Finding Funding Module - Session 2

Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

This Professional Development seminar is for research professionals, graduate students, postdocs and early stage faculty researchers. It covers foundational skills useful for career development in clinical/translational research.

The first module of this seminar is titled Finding Funding and will equip attendees with knowledge of how to best find and apply for funding opportunities to support research. Each session of the seminar will meet Fridays at 12:00 pm. This session is titled: Anatomy of a grant announcement/NIH 101.

Susan Pusek, DrSc, Director, Education Programs
NC TraCS Institute


iTHRIV: Data Structure, Disease Risk, GXE, and Causal Modeling

Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Foundations of Biomedical Data Science Virtual Seminar Series - Data Structure, Disease Risk, GXE, and Causal Modeling

Human disease is mainly due to complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors (GXE). Researchers need to acquire the right "smart" data types—coherent and multiplicative data—required to make accurate predictions about risk and outcome for n = 1 individuals—a daunting task.

Robert Williams, PhD and his team has developed large families of fully sequenced mice that mirror the genetic complexity of humans. They are using these reference populations to generate multiplicatively useful data and to build and test causal quantitative models of disease mechanisms with a special focus on diseases of aging, addiction, and neurological and psychiatric disease.

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Robert W. WIlliams, PhD, Professor; Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics
University of Tennessee Health Science Center

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DCRI Grand Rounds: Drug Development in Kidney Disease

Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Drug Development in Kidney Disease: Proceedings from a Multi-Stakeholder Panel

This Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) NIH "Rethinking Clinical Trials" Grand Rounds features Daniel Edmonston, MD, Medical Instructor at the Duke University School of Medicine. Edmonston will discuss "Proceedings from a Multi-Stakeholder Panel"

Daniel Edmonston, MD, Medical Instructor
Duke University School of Medicine

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