Mon. 16 Nov, 2020 - Sun. 22 Nov, 2020
Mon. 16 Nov, 2020
Odum Institute: Structural Equation Modeling
Mon. 16 Nov, 2020 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
The purpose of this online, 2-day course is to give an overview of structural equation models (SEMs). It is not an introduction to SEM software, but focuses more on the conceptual aspects of SEMs. It provides a brief description of the major types of SEMs and the steps involved in modeling. A few hypothetical and empirical examples are included.
Participants should have a thorough understanding of regression analysis and a basic understanding of matrices.
For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cathy Zimmer, PhD, Social Science Researcher
Odum Institute
Tue. 17 Nov, 2020
IQVIA: New Strategies for Long-Term Follow-Up of Gene Therapies
Tue. 17 Nov, 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
New Strategies for Long-Term Follow-Up of Gene Therapies: Leveraging virtual approaches and real world data
Cell and gene therapies have the potential to transform the lives of patients with long-term or life-threatening illnesses. While there is great promise, bringing these new therapies to market is far from simple. One of the biggest challenges is the required long-term follow-up (LTFU) – the need to monitor patient outcomes and safety for up to 15 years.
Join IQVIA for this upcoming webinar on approaches to LTFU as required by regulators for CAGT clinical trials. Learn about challenges in conducting long-term follow-up studies, flexible virtual and hybrid approaches to LTFU studies that can reduce risk and improve the patient experience, and options to leverage and supplement existing registries data for long-term evidence generation.
For questions, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Monica Shah, MD, FACC, Vice President and Head
Cell and Gene Therapy Center of Excellence, IQVIA
Erin Finot, MS, MBA, Global Head of Immuno-oncology
IQVIA Biotech
Elizabeth Powers, MBA, Vice President
IQVIA Divisions of Real World Solutions
Christopher Varner, Project Manager, Virtual Trial Solutions
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Health Disparities: Health Disparity Issues Faced by Home Health Workers since the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tue. 17 Nov, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Health Disparities - Healthcare Delivery in the Age of COVID-19: Health Disparity Issues Faced by Home Health Workers since the COVID-19 Pandemic
This interdisciplinary Seminar will hold intensive and collaborative sessions focused on health outcome and health delivery problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The main research topic is health disparities in healthcare delivery and how the COVID-19 pandemic shapes systems and impacts resources, including human resources.
The main product from these collaborative interdisciplinary and multi-organizational work groups of health disparities researchers and students will be a focused grant proposal aimed at examining the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on care delivery and home health caregivers’ own health outcomes.
Maddie Sterling, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
REDCap Functions Training Session
Tue. 17 Nov, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

REDCap Functions is advanced training in using functions with your project such as Surveys, Randomization, Calendar/Scheduling, etc.
The session will cover Imports, Reusing Forms, Exports, Surveys, Data Quality Checks, Collecting Data Offline (REDCap Mobile), Subject App (MyCap), Pulling Epic Data, Special layouts (Shazam), Multiple Languages, and more.
Our current REDCap trainings are offered as webinar-only.
* NOTE: There are no prerequisites for taking the Functions class. Previous attendees advise that you should take one of the Forms classes prior. As a minimum, it will help if you are familiar with building forms, field types, and the options/parameters that belong to those field types.
About REDCap
REDCap is a secure web application that can be used to build and manage case report forms, surveys and other data capture mechanisms for clinical research. NC TraCS provides training classes to assist you in getting started with building REDCap data collection forms for your research projects.
Current REDCap training offerings include:
- Forms (beginner)
- Forms: Hands On (beginner)
- Functions (advanced*)
- Open Session (Surveys and general questions)
- Clinical Data Management (3-day)
For more information, please visit our REDCap webpage.
Wed. 18 Nov, 2020
A Guided Look at a Digital Health Intervention Powered by Semblie
Wed. 18 Nov, 2020 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Developed by RTI International and funded by the NC TraCS Inclusive Science Program, Semblie is an online platform that allows users to build, deliver, and track web-based interventions without the need for a developer or graphic artist.
Following up on an earlier 3-part series that provided a general overview of Semblie, this webinar will further illustrate the platform’s capabilities using a COVID-related digital health intervention as an example. The intervention will be used to highlight some of Semblie’s key features, giving viewers a more complete picture of how Semblie can be used to create digital health interventions and inspiration for their own projects.
Alexa Ortiz, MSN, RN, Applied Health Informatics Program
RTI International
REDCap Open Training Session
Wed. 18 Nov, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

The REDCap Open Training Session will review using surveys and provide ample time to answer any questions REDCap users might have.
Our current REDCap trainings are offered as webinar-only.
About REDCap
REDCap is a secure web application that can be used to build and manage case report forms, surveys and other data capture mechanisms for clinical research. NC TraCS provides training classes to assist you in getting started with building REDCap data collection forms for your research projects.
Current REDCap training offerings include:
- Forms (beginner)
- Forms: Hands On (beginner)
- Functions (advanced)
- Open Session (Surveys and general questions)
- Clinical Data Management (3-day)
For more information, please visit our REDCap webpage.
Thu. 19 Nov, 2020
NRP Education Session: Prevention of COVID-19
Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Join the NRP for their latest education session. Myron Cohen, MD will discuss the progress we have made during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the work we still have left to do.
Presentation topics include:
- Provide latest updates and strategies to protect yourself and your communities
- Describe investigational treatments and trials
- Current impact of COVID-19 on the research agenda
Attendance at this event is pending approval for 1 contact hour of clinical research education on applications for Maintenance of ACRP's CCRC®, CCRA®, CPI® or ACRP-CP® certification designations.
Myron Cohen, MD, Director
Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease
Consortium for Implementation Science: Harnessing Implementation Science to Promote Health Equity
Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The World Health Organization defines health inequities as differences in health status and distribution of health resources across different population groups that arise from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. COVID-19 and protests for racial equity and social justice are spotlighting our nation’s longstanding health inequities and sparking renewed efforts to address systemic racism and structural barriers to health equity.
Implementation science research frameworks and methods are well suited for identifying what works to redress health inequities. Join RTI for a virtual discussion with Ana Baumann, Eva Woodward, Lori Carter-Edwards, Pastor James Gailliard, Cory Bradley, and Sara Jacobs on the intersection of implementation science and health equity.
This event is sponsored by the Consortium for Implementation Science, a joint endeavor of UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and RTI International.
Ana Baumann, PhD, Research Assistant Professor
Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis
Eva Woodward, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
VA Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research, Little Rock, Arkansas
Lori Carter-Edwards, PhD, MPH, CaSE Program Director
NC TraCS Institute
Rev. James Gailliard
Word Tabernacle Church
Cory Bradley, PhD, Research Associate
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Sara Jacobs, PhD, Public Health Analyst
RTI International
Semi-Structured Interviewing - Fall Repeat Session
Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
This interactive, online workshop will focus on semi-structured interviewing, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Topics covered will include basics of semi-structured interviews, development of interview questions and probes, interviewing skills, considerations for conducting virtual interviews, and trauma-informed interviewing.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice developing interview questions and sharpen their interviewing skills.
MaryBeth Grewe, MPH,
Project Manager / Qualitative Research Specialist, Community and Stakeholder Engagement
NC TraCS Institute
Ginny Lewis, MSW,
Bilingual Community Engagement Specialist, Community and Stakeholder Engagement
NC TraCS Institute
Odum Institute: Structural Equation Modeling
Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
The purpose of this online, 2-day course is to give an overview of structural equation models (SEMs). It is not an introduction to SEM software, but focuses more on the conceptual aspects of SEMs. It provides a brief description of the major types of SEMs and the steps involved in modeling. A few hypothetical and empirical examples are included.
Participants should have a thorough understanding of regression analysis and a basic understanding of matrices.
For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cathy Zimmer, PhD, Social Science Researcher
Odum Institute
Fri. 20 Nov, 2020
TraCS Professional Development: Finding Funding Module - Session 2
Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
This Professional Development seminar is for research professionals, graduate students, postdocs and early stage faculty researchers. It covers foundational skills useful for career development in clinical/translational research.
The first module of this seminar is titled Finding Funding and will equip attendees with knowledge of how to best find and apply for funding opportunities to support research. Each session of the seminar will meet Fridays at 12:00 pm. This session is titled: Anatomy of a grant announcement/NIH 101.
Susan Pusek, DrSc, Director, Education Programs
NC TraCS Institute
iTHRIV: Data Structure, Disease Risk, GXE, and Causal Modeling
Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Foundations of Biomedical Data Science Virtual Seminar Series - Data Structure, Disease Risk, GXE, and Causal Modeling
Human disease is mainly due to complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors (GXE). Researchers need to acquire the right "smart" data types—coherent and multiplicative data—required to make accurate predictions about risk and outcome for n = 1 individuals—a daunting task.
Robert Williams, PhD and his team has developed large families of fully sequenced mice that mirror the genetic complexity of humans. They are using these reference populations to generate multiplicatively useful data and to build and test causal quantitative models of disease mechanisms with a special focus on diseases of aging, addiction, and neurological and psychiatric disease.
Click here to add this event to your calendar.
Robert W. WIlliams, PhD, Professor; Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
DCRI Grand Rounds: Drug Development in Kidney Disease
Fri. 20 Nov, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Drug Development in Kidney Disease: Proceedings from a Multi-Stakeholder Panel
This Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) NIH "Rethinking Clinical Trials" Grand Rounds features Daniel Edmonston, MD, Medical Instructor at the Duke University School of Medicine. Edmonston will discuss "Proceedings from a Multi-Stakeholder Panel"
Daniel Edmonston, MD, Medical Instructor
Duke University School of Medicine
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