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NRP Education Session: Prevention of COVID-19

Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join the NRP for their latest education session. Myron Cohen, MD will discuss the progress we have made during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the work we still have left to do.

Presentation topics include:

  • Provide latest updates and strategies to protect yourself and your communities
  • Describe investigational treatments and trials
  • Current impact of COVID-19 on the research agenda

Attendance at this event is pending approval for 1 contact hour of clinical research education on applications for Maintenance of ACRP's CCRC®, CCRA®, CPI® or ACRP-CP® certification designations.

Myron Cohen, MD, Director
Institute for Global Health and Infectious Disease


Consortium for Implementation Science: Harnessing Implementation Science to Promote Health Equity

Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The World Health Organization defines health inequities as differences in health status and distribution of health resources across different population groups that arise from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. COVID-19 and protests for racial equity and social justice are spotlighting our nation’s longstanding health inequities and sparking renewed efforts to address systemic racism and structural barriers to health equity.

Implementation science research frameworks and methods are well suited for identifying what works to redress health inequities. Join RTI for a virtual discussion with Ana Baumann, Eva Woodward, Lori Carter-Edwards, Pastor James Gailliard, Cory Bradley, and Sara Jacobs on the intersection of implementation science and health equity.

This event is sponsored by the Consortium for Implementation Science, a joint endeavor of UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and RTI International.


Ana Baumann, PhD, Research Assistant Professor
Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis

Eva Woodward, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
VA Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research, Little Rock, Arkansas

Lori Carter-Edwards, PhD, MPH, CaSE Program Director
NC TraCS Institute

Rev. James Gailliard
Word Tabernacle Church

Cory Bradley, PhD, Research Associate
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Sara Jacobs, PhD, Public Health Analyst
RTI International


Semi-Structured Interviewing - Fall Repeat Session

Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This interactive, online workshop will focus on semi-structured interviewing, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Topics covered will include basics of semi-structured interviews, development of interview questions and probes, interviewing skills, considerations for conducting virtual interviews, and trauma-informed interviewing.

Participants will have the opportunity to practice developing interview questions and sharpen their interviewing skills.


MaryBeth Grewe, MPH, Project Manager / Qualitative Research Specialist, Community and Stakeholder Engagement
NC TraCS Institute

Ginny Lewis, MSW, Bilingual Community Engagement Specialist, Community and Stakeholder Engagement
NC TraCS Institute


Odum Institute: Structural Equation Modeling

Thu. 19 Nov, 2020 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

The purpose of this online, 2-day course is to give an overview of structural equation models (SEMs). It is not an introduction to SEM software, but focuses more on the conceptual aspects of SEMs. It provides a brief description of the major types of SEMs and the steps involved in modeling. A few hypothetical and empirical examples are included.

Participants should have a thorough understanding of regression analysis and a basic understanding of matrices.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cathy Zimmer, PhD, Social Science Researcher
Odum Institute


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