Mapping a Network Drive - MAC
MAC Instructions Windows Instructions
1. From the Finder, hit Command+K (+ K)
2. Enter the path to the network drive you want to map, ie:
Translational Science
What is it?
NCATS defines Translational Science as "the field of investigation focused on understanding the scientific and operational principles underlying each step of the translational process."
UNC offers the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) an interdisciplinary research and training program that plays a key role in fulfilling UNC-Chapel Hill's commitment to improving human health through health informatics...
NC TraCS educates all types of researchers, from junior academics to community advocates in areas that help accelerate the advancement of translational research.
Team Science
This service helps introduce investigators to...
Mapping a Network Drive - Windows
MAC Instructions Windows Instructions
1. From the Start menu, click Computer.
2. In the next window, click Map Network Drive.
3. In the Folder box,...
The ability to query patient data on your own can be helpful. i2b2 provides a de-identified view of UNC Health Care data so you can determine feasibility for trials and explore potential cohorts in a safe-harbor "sandbox."