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We help qualified researchers develop and submit their first independent investigator-initiated grant (e.g., R01) to the NIH and another agencies.

Groups are organized by research methodology and grant submission timeline and are directed at individuals who have not yet obtained an R or R-type award. This includes individuals making their first attempts and those who have submitted before but were not ultimately funded.

R Writing Groups

We help qualified researchers develop and submit their first independent investigator-initiated grant (e.g., R01) to the NIH and another agencies.

Groups are for individuals making their first attempts at R-level funding (including other R mechanisms besides R01s) and those who have submitted before but were not funded.

There are 2 groups:

  1. Lab-based researchers
  2. Clinical trials/health services/epidemiologic research

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications should consist of:

  • a brief letter of introduction providing your current position, whether or not you are on tenure track, the anticipated time of your promotion review, the target institute/agency for submission, and submission date
  • an updated NIH biosketch including Other Support
  • a 1/2 to 1 page introduction to your work including preliminary data from which you plan to develop your proposal, the type of grant for which you intend to apply, and confirming which group you wish to join (lab-based or clinical trials/health services/epidemiologic research.)

Once we receive your application, we will set up a 30 minute interview with the course faculty.

Prior to participating, identify content experts (e.g. prior mentors on a K award) who can help you consider the feedback received in the R Writing Group within the context of your discipline. Content experts are also helpful for insight on appropriate grant mechanisms, study sections, and other funding sources for your research.

Questions regarding your potential application to the R Writing Group (not specific questions about your R application) can be directed to Susan Pusek at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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