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We have dedicated lab space available for specimen processing and temporary specimen storage for CTRC approved protocols. The lab is equipped with refrigerated centrifuges, specimen processing space, -80 freezer, -20 freezer and specimen refrigerator.

Specimen Processing and Storage Facilities

We have dedicated lab space available for specimen processing and temporary specimen storage for CTRC approved protocols. The lab is equipped with refrigerated centrifuges, specimen processing space, -80 freezer, -20 freezer and specimen refrigerator.

There are a few basic requirements for use of this facility:

  1. Investigators must request use of the Specimen Processing and Storage Facilities in the CTRC addendum in addition to one of the other clinical services (outpatient, inpatient or research on location services).
  2. In addition, basic safety and etiquette training are required to use this service, as outlined below.
  3. Finally, and we stress this point, if investigators and their staff wish to retain access to the lab then they must keep the area safe and clean.

Required Training

CTRC Specimen Processing and Storage Facilities Emergency Contact Information

  • University Health & Safety Office: 919.962.5507*
  • University Police: 911
  • Hospital Health & Safety Office: 919.966.0691
  • University Occupational Health (for injuries): 919.966.9119
  • Health Link (for injuries after 4:30): 919.966.7890
*The Health and Safety Office can be reached after hours through the University Police at 911. Call the Health and Safety Office for any safety issues to include gas leaks and odors, chemical spills or other lab emergencies. For smoke and fire emergencies, call 911.

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