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Coordinators will schedule all CTRC appointments using the CRMS CTRC Scheduler. Training on how to use the system is covered in the "Research Administration" class. Registration for the class is located in LMS. The system has mandatory fields which will need to be completed in order to schedule a visit. Such requests include room only, blood draw only, type of room needed, serial PK, study drug administration, procedures or IV access.

Patient Scheduling and Scheduling Guidelines

Coordinators will schedule all CTRC appointments using the CRMS CTRC Scheduler. Training on how to use the system is covered in the "Research Administration" class. Registration for the class is located in LMS. The system has mandatory fields which will need to be completed in order to schedule a visit. Such requests include room only, blood draw only, type of room needed, serial PK, study drug administration, procedures or IV access. Accurate information is essential to ensuring adequate staffing and in helping to determine the correct Level of Care for each visit. See: CTRC hours of operation.

The CTRC utilizes a centralized scheduler email. All scheduling communication and special requests should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Emails are generally checked at the beginning, midday, and the end of each business day. For any immediate needs, please call the CTRC Reception Desk at 919.966.1437.

The online scheduling system closes at 4:00 pm for the next business day (weekends not included). For example, if a coordinator attempts to schedule a patient on Friday afternoon at 4:30 pm for the following Monday the online scheduling system will refuse the request.

Add-on or Same Day Outpatient Visits

The CTRC can accommodate same day outpatient visit requests if a room and adequate staffing is available. If a visit needs to be added after the system closes, the coordinator will need to call the clinic at 919.966.1437 during normal business hours and ask for the daily override code. The CTRC staff will verify room and staffing availability prior to giving the override code. In the event the requested time is not available, CTRC staff will give alternate times that the visit can take place.

Lower Acuity Outpatient Visits

Visits lasting less than 2 hours that involve minimal nursing activities are automatically booked and do not require approval from CTRC staff.

Higher Acuity Outpatient Visits

All outpatient visits involving complex nursing interventions or any visit lasting over 2 hours (i.e. serial PK's, study drug administration, procedures and observation by CTRC staff) require a minimum of 48 hours advanced notice to ensure staff availability and skill level for your study.

To ensure room availability, it is recommended to request these visits at least 2 weeks ahead of the anticipated visit as rooms are limited. These types of visits will not automatically be scheduled in the scheduling system and must be approved by the Director or Charge Nurse before they will be placed on the official patient schedule for a given day. The coordinator will be notified in the event the visit cannot be accommodated at the time requested.

Signed physician orders, study flow sheets and study tubes with processing instructions must be delivered to the CTRC Outpatient Nurses' Desk at least 24 hours in advance so that the CTRC staff can prepare for the visit.

Extended Stay Outpatient Visits

The CTRC Outpatient Unit can accommodate 8 โ€“ 12 hour PK/Extended Stay visits that need to remain on the unit past 5 pm Monday - Thursday. These visits must be requested in the CRMS CTRC Scheduler no later than 8 am on Wednesdays for the following week to ensure staffing availability.

It may also be possible to schedule an extended stay visit after the Wednesday deadline if late visits are already scheduled and if staffing permits. If this is the case, please email requests to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for approval.

See: Outpatient Care Fees

Inpatient Stays

  • An inpatient stay is an admission to UNC Hospitals in which the patient must remain in the hospital past midnight.
  • All inpatient requests require an approximate 2 weeks advance notice for scheduling. Requests must be submitted by Monday at 3:00 pm to ensure appropriate staffing resources. Requests made after the deadline has passed cannot be accommodated.
  • The inpatient unit is open two weeks per month (Saturday to Friday) if patients are scheduled by the deadline noted above. Open weeks are designated by the Director of Nursing two months in advance and listed on the inpatient Google calendar located in the "Helpful Information Links" on the CRMS home page.
  • All inpatient visit requests require approval from the Director of Nursing or Charge Nurse before being placed on the official patient schedule.
  • The inpatient unit will re-open at 8:00 am on any given day in which the unit was closed on the previous day. Patients cannot be admitted earlier than 8:00 am on any open day unless approved by the Director of Nursing or Charge Nurse.
  • The inpatient unit closes at 12:30 pm on Friday (Friday admissions are not available).
  • Please notify the Director of Nursing or Charge Nurse of any cancellations as soon as possible.
  • The inpatient unit will close on any given night including scheduled open weekends if there are no patients scheduled by the deadline.
  • Signed physician orders, the study flow sheets and study tubes with processing instructions must be delivered to the CTRC Outpatient Nurses' desk at least 24 hours in advance so that CTRC staff can prepare for the visit.

See: Inpatient Care Fees


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