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Mon. 23 Sep, 2024

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Tue. 24 Sep, 2024

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Wed. 25 Sep, 2024

Engagement in Research Nuts & Bolts

Wed. 25 Sep, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Engagement in Research Nuts & Bolts: Specific Approaches for Engaging Patient & Community Partners in Research

There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to engaging patient, community, or other partners in your research. Rather, there are a variety of engagement methods to suit your study's needs, your research team's capacity, and your partners' interests.

This online training will describe three common approaches for working with patient, community, and other partners in your research: 1) consultative community feedback sessions; 2) advisory boards; and 3) sustained collaboration with partners as members of the research team.

The session will cover considerations for choosing these specific engagement methods, as well as concrete processes and steps for implementing each approach. Participation in our Engagement in Research 101 training is not required to attend this session; however, some knowledge of engagement, whether from prior training(s) or personal experience, may foster deeper understanding of the material in this session.


Engaging Patient, Community, and Other Partners in Your Research is a multi-part online training series. You may register for the entire series OR any single training session.

Part 1 will focus on the basics of research engagement, providing an overview of patient and community engagement and its benefits, debunking common myths and misconceptions, and providing considerations and next steps for incorporating engagement approaches into your research.

Part 2 will cover specific engagement methods, including consultative community feedback sessions, advisory boards, and working with patient and community partners as members of a research team.

Part 3 will focus on the nuances of building and maintaining partnerships, outlining best practices for developing and strengthening mutually beneficial partnerships and discussing common partnership challenges and solutions.

This training series was developed collaboratively with patient, community, and researcher partners and is co-sponsored by the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and NC TraCS Institute.

Intuition and Theory in Implementation Science

Wed. 25 Sep, 2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

'I Think We Do This Anyway' - Intuition and Theory in Implementation Science

This lecture is offered in a hybrid format with the option to participate via Zoom. If joining in-person, the lecture will be held in Kerr Hall, room 1001. There will be an in-person reception held immediately following the lecture in the 1st floor lobby of Kerr Hall.

Distinguished Lecture presented by:

Natalie Taylor, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Implementation to Impact (i2i)
Director of Research, School of Population Health
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

If participating via Zoom, please use the following Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 987 9618 2436
Passcode: 390343

The event is co-sponsored by NC TraCS and the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Divisions of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy & Practice Advancement and Clinical Education.

Thu. 26 Sep, 2024

SDSS: Data Science Day 2024

All day

Join the School of Data Science & Society for their second annual Data Science Day. This year’s theme is Data Science for Science and Society. They invite the Carolina community to showcase their work and the transformative impact of data science on scientific endeavors and societal well-being. This campus-wide conference aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations within and across theoretical advances and real-world applications.

The event is free, but registration is required. Please register for the event which will be held at the Carolina Union. All Carolina faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend a portion of the event or the whole day.

For more information and the day's agenda, visit


Introduction to Focus Groups

Thu. 26 Sep, 2024 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

This interactive online workshop will provide an introduction to focus groups, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Attendees will also observe or participate in a mini "mock" virtual focus group session.


  • Focus group methodology
  • Considerations for planning a focus group
  • Development of focus group discussion guides
  • Focus group facilitation skills
  • Tips for conducting virtual focus groups

MaryBeth Grewe, MPH
Program Manager, Qualitative Research Service
Research Specialist, Patient and Community Engagement in Research (PaCER) Program
NC TraCS Institute

Simone Frank, MPH
Senior Project Manager, Patient and Community Engagement in Research (PaCER) Program
Research Specialist, Qualitative Research Service
NC TraCS Institute


NCDS: AI for Non-Coders

Thu. 26 Sep, 2024 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The National Consortium for Data Science (NCDS) is now offering Foundations of AI courses to help in its mission to connect diverse communities of data science experts to support a 21st century data-driven economy. Their focus is to help bridge the gap between data scientists in the public and private sectors by providing educational and upskilling opportunities.

The second course, AI for Non-Coders will be held on Thursday, September 26 at 1 PM ET

Ever say to yourself: what even is an LLM? How do I get from chatting with ChatGPT to talking about larger AI products? How do I answer these nonstop questions from colleagues, customers, leadership and more in this new landscape? Do you find yourself needing expertise on AI that, quite frankly, you didn’t sign up for? This course is designed to meet the needs of people who are not necessarily well-versed in math and science but who know that they need to know the basics about AI in this changing landscape. You’ll learn about what AI can accomplish, the intuitions behind how it works (no math or coding necessary!), and opportunities and risks. You’ll come away feeling confident that you know not only what an LLM actually is, but understand all the jargon people use to talk about it. Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis.

Instructor: Amy Hemmeter — Sr. Manager of Data Science in Natural Language Processing at Workhuman
Cost: $300

The National Consortium for Data Science is pleased to offer a limited number of full scholarships for Foundations of AI events. Each event description contains scholarship information. Priority will be given to faculty, staff, and students from non-R1 and non-R2 institutions. The form (viewable within each event) serves as the registration link for the event, do not register via additional links.


Fri. 27 Sep, 2024

Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: Azithromycin for Childhood Mortality

Fri. 27 Sep, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Azithromycin for Childhood Mortality: Randomizing Entire Countries

This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features:

Tom Lietman, MD
Director, Francis I. Proctor Foundation
University of California, San Francisco

Learn More

Sat. 28 Sep, 2024

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Sun. 29 Sep, 2024

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