Mon. 20 Feb, 2023 - Sun. 26 Feb, 2023
Wed. 22 Feb, 2023
Odum Institute: Introduction to Qualtrics
Wed. 22 Feb, 2023 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This course will be offered via Zoom only and will not be recorded. This is a 3 hour course. This course is only open to the UNC Chapel Hill community as you must have a UNC Qualtrics account to take this course.
Qualtrics is a powerful browser-based web-survey tool that the Odum Institute survey research team brought to campus in 2006. It is available to all UNC Chapel Hill faculty, staff, and students, for UNC-related projects. Qualtrics allows users to build complex surveys, distribute them, and analyze the responses all from one place. In this course, we will cover basic Qualtrics functions including creating multiple choice and text entry questions, programming display and skip logic, distributing surveys, creating and uploading contact lists, and sharing a survey. This is an introductory course and will not cover use of the online analysis tools within Qualtrics.
Instructor: Michelle Temple
With over 5 years of experience with Qualtrics, Michelle has worked with the Odum Institute in varying capacities since 2003. She is a UNC alum receiving her B.A. in Sociology. While working toward her degree, she was hired as a telephone interviewer at the Odum Institute and was later promoted to call center manager before accepting a full-time role as Program Administrator, Project Manager, and Consultant. During her time at Odum, she was involved in the initial creation of the administrative infrastructure and managed operational aspects of the Certificate Program in Survey Methodology (currently known as the Certificate in Survey Science). As a project manager, she applied social science research methods to manage data collection projects including telephone, mail, in-person, web surveys, and focus groups. Additionally, she has offered consultation services for questionnaire design, question writing, and Qualtrics programming. Currently, Michelle is focusing her time supporting Qualtrics-related needs across campus and is available to provide consultation and support with technical software questions, and programming services.
Thu. 23 Feb, 2023
Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis
Thu. 23 Feb, 2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
This online training will provide an introduction to qualitative data analysis, focusing on content/thematic analysis. The session will cover the basics of qualitative data analysis and steps in the analysis process, including: transcribing, memoing, codebook development and coding, exploring content areas or themes, and interpreting and communicating findings. Participants will have the opportunity to practice developing and applying codes.
Please note: We will not be demonstrating how to use qualitative data analysis software during this session.
MaryBeth Grewe, MPHEngagement and Qualitative Research Specialist
NC TraCS Institute
Simone Frank, MPH
Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist
NC TraCS Institute
Odum Institute: Introduction to Integrated Data Analysis
Thu. 23 Feb, 2023 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
This 2.5 hour course will be offered via Zoom. Attendance is required as the course will not be recorded.
This short course will be a basic introduction to integrative data analysis, the simultaneous analysis of pooled individual-level data. Participants will gain familiarity with the underlying concepts and tools that are central to this approach, which is increasingly used in various fields including public health, behavioral medicine, epidemiology, and clinical trials. The course will include an overview of approaches to harmonizing measurement instruments, common challenges, and potential techniques to address them to improve cross-study comparisons and generalizability. We will cover an example application of integrative data analysis to an ongoing study combining 18 randomized prevention trials. Finally, we will also present some of the limitations of integrative data analyses as well as potential directions for future work.
Instructor: Alberto Valido
Alberto Valido obtained a BS degree in Psychology from the University of Florida and is currently a fourth year PhD student in Applied Developmental Science at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Alberto’s research is focused on the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ youth of color and protective factors that can buffer against the adverse effects of discrimination and bias-based victimization. His research examines the role of societal-level factors such as systemic inequality, racism, hetero-sexism, and cis-sexism and ways to combine individual, state- and policy-level data using integrative data analysis. As a project coordinator since 2017, Alberto has mentored over 30 research assistants and has coordinated operations for multiple federal grants, including a CDC-funded randomized clinical trial of a suicide prevention program; an NIJ-funded project to develop and pilot test a tip reporting app, and an NSF-funded project to detect cyber-bullying in YouTube comments. Alberto has also collaborated on several meta-analyses and literature reviews, including a literature review of protective factors of homophobic bullying, a meta-analysis of risk and protective factors of suicidality among sexual and gender minority youth, a meta-analysis on school violence, and a meta-analysis of cyber-bullying prevention programs. Alberto successfully obtained a diversity supplement from NIMH (Grant no. 3R01MH117598-02S1) and more recently an F31 NIMH Diversity Fellowship to apply a developmental approach to the study of mental health outcomes among LGBTQ youth of color using integrative data analysis. To date, he has published 53 peer-reviewed articles, 13 book chapters and 31 conference presentations.
Fri. 24 Feb, 2023
44th Annual Minority Health Conference
All day
Practicing Health as a Human Right: Policy, Ethics and the Law
The Minority Health Conference, which is the largest and longest-running student-led health conference in the country, aims to raise awareness around minority health and mobilize students, academics and community members to take action for change. The conference seeks to examine the factors that have created and impacted health inequities across gender, race, economic status and other social determinants of health.
The World Health Organization declared, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” The past year has revealed how global and domestic political, legal, economic, and health systems are failing to support the highest attainable health. Practicing Health as a Human Right recognizes that human rights provide a framework upon which we can ensure that equity and justice are routinely protected and upheld in the law. Practicing Health as a Human Right acknowledges that the public health problems of today are often structural, stemming from racism and other discriminatory practices and policies that have been codified into law, and therefore require legal and policy solutions.
If public health practitioners, policymakers, and healthcare providers utilize human rights principles in the execution of their work, we stand a better chance of improving health outcomes and quality of life for all people. This year’s conference seeks to examine the factors that have created and impacted health inequities across gender, race, economic status, and other social determinants of health. The goal of the conference is to conceptualize a human rights framework as a tool to center our public health discussions around policy, ethics, and the law.
- In-person will be held at the Friday Conference Center, 100 Friday Center Dr., Chapel Hill NC 27599
- The virtual link will be emailed to virtual attendees by mid-February.
For more info, visit Minority Health Conference.
Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: New Directions for Decreasing Burden and Increasing Inclusion in NCTN Clinical Trials
Fri. 24 Feb, 2023 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
S2302 Pragmatica-Lung: New Directions for Decreasing Burden and Increasing Inclusion in NCTN Clinical Trials
This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features:
Konstantin Dragnev, MD
Professor of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
Irene Heinz Given Professor in Pharmacology
Associate Director for Clinical Research
Principal Investigator – Dartmouth Lead Academic Participating Site for NCTN
Dartmouth Cancer Center
Dartmouth Health