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Mon. 29 Aug, 2022

Health Equity Research Intensive

Mon. 29 Aug, 2022 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Co-sponsored by NC TraCS, the UNC Center for Health Equity Research's (CHER) Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) is a unique opportunity to join other researchers to learn how to design more inclusive health equity research projects.

HERI will introduce you to research methods and tools that emphasize partnership and engagement across all stages of research, from idea conception to budgeting to dissemination. Participating in HERI will equip attendees to effectively center equity in their research.

This intensive aligns with the center's mission by creating space for community leaders, health care professionals and academics to learn and apply new tools for inclusive health equity research.

HERI centers partnership and engagement with innovative approaches and methods.

New in 2022: CHER is offering a third day focused on inclusive research. They’ll offer space for participants, particularly community members, to generate creative and innovative solutions to apply to their work and communities with an emphasis on inclusive research.

Participants in the collaborative workshop on Day 3 will co-create a definition of inclusive and equitable health research and a vision of what it will take to get there. Through interactive activities and small group break-outs, attendees will have opportunity to learn, share and, most importantly, connect with others who are committed to advancing health equity, systems change and inclusivity through their research work.

Priority will be made for voices from communities to share challenges they're experiencing and approaches that they think are best for their community. Facilitation methods and collaboration tools that support equitable partnerships and inclusivity will be demonstrated in the workshop through active learning techniques. The workshop aims to generate innovative solutions towards achieving inclusive research through mutual learning among all attendees.

The 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive is a fully virtual event.

Participating in HERI

HERI welcomes all participants. Past participants have been:

  • Community leaders and members.
  • Members of community-based and faith-based organizations.
  • Learners interested in health equity research.
  • Members of academic communities (students, fellows, faculty, scientists and staff engaged in health disparities/health equity research).
  • Public policy professionals.
  • Public health professionals.
  • Healthcare providers and professionals.
  • Policy makers.

Participating in HERI will help you:

  • Apply a health equity lens to your work.
  • Collaborate more effectively with partners.
  • Apply a comprehensive framework to achieve health equity.
  • Use quantitative and qualitative methods more effectively.
  • Understand a life-course perspective.
  • Understand historical and cultural contexts of health equity.


Registration for the 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) uses the UNC event registration system. There are questions as part of registration, asking you to select your preferred sessions for the intensive. Individual program itineraries will be provided closer to the program dates.


Agenda and presentation times vary by day. For agenda, speakers, sponsors, and more information, visit:

Tue. 30 Aug, 2022

Health Equity Research Intensive

Tue. 30 Aug, 2022 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Co-sponsored by NC TraCS, the UNC Center for Health Equity Research's (CHER) Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) is a unique opportunity to join other researchers to learn how to design more inclusive health equity research projects.

HERI will introduce you to research methods and tools that emphasize partnership and engagement across all stages of research, from idea conception to budgeting to dissemination. Participating in HERI will equip attendees to effectively center equity in their research.

This intensive aligns with the center's mission by creating space for community leaders, health care professionals and academics to learn and apply new tools for inclusive health equity research.

HERI centers partnership and engagement with innovative approaches and methods.

New in 2022: CHER is offering a third day focused on inclusive research. They’ll offer space for participants, particularly community members, to generate creative and innovative solutions to apply to their work and communities with an emphasis on inclusive research.

Participants in the collaborative workshop on Day 3 will co-create a definition of inclusive and equitable health research and a vision of what it will take to get there. Through interactive activities and small group break-outs, attendees will have opportunity to learn, share and, most importantly, connect with others who are committed to advancing health equity, systems change and inclusivity through their research work.

Priority will be made for voices from communities to share challenges they're experiencing and approaches that they think are best for their community. Facilitation methods and collaboration tools that support equitable partnerships and inclusivity will be demonstrated in the workshop through active learning techniques. The workshop aims to generate innovative solutions towards achieving inclusive research through mutual learning among all attendees.

The 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive is a fully virtual event.

Participating in HERI

HERI welcomes all participants. Past participants have been:

  • Community leaders and members.
  • Members of community-based and faith-based organizations.
  • Learners interested in health equity research.
  • Members of academic communities (students, fellows, faculty, scientists and staff engaged in health disparities/health equity research).
  • Public policy professionals.
  • Public health professionals.
  • Healthcare providers and professionals.
  • Policy makers.

Participating in HERI will help you:

  • Apply a health equity lens to your work.
  • Collaborate more effectively with partners.
  • Apply a comprehensive framework to achieve health equity.
  • Use quantitative and qualitative methods more effectively.
  • Understand a life-course perspective.
  • Understand historical and cultural contexts of health equity.


Registration for the 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) uses the UNC event registration system. There are questions as part of registration, asking you to select your preferred sessions for the intensive. Individual program itineraries will be provided closer to the program dates.


Agenda and presentation times vary by day. For agenda, speakers, sponsors, and more information, visit:

Wed. 31 Aug, 2022

Health Equity Research Intensive

Wed. 31 Aug, 2022 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Co-sponsored by NC TraCS, the UNC Center for Health Equity Research's (CHER) Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) is a unique opportunity to join other researchers to learn how to design more inclusive health equity research projects.

HERI will introduce you to research methods and tools that emphasize partnership and engagement across all stages of research, from idea conception to budgeting to dissemination. Participating in HERI will equip attendees to effectively center equity in their research.

This intensive aligns with the center's mission by creating space for community leaders, health care professionals and academics to learn and apply new tools for inclusive health equity research.

HERI centers partnership and engagement with innovative approaches and methods.

New in 2022: CHER is offering a third day focused on inclusive research. They’ll offer space for participants, particularly community members, to generate creative and innovative solutions to apply to their work and communities with an emphasis on inclusive research.

Participants in the collaborative workshop on Day 3 will co-create a definition of inclusive and equitable health research and a vision of what it will take to get there. Through interactive activities and small group break-outs, attendees will have opportunity to learn, share and, most importantly, connect with others who are committed to advancing health equity, systems change and inclusivity through their research work.

Priority will be made for voices from communities to share challenges they're experiencing and approaches that they think are best for their community. Facilitation methods and collaboration tools that support equitable partnerships and inclusivity will be demonstrated in the workshop through active learning techniques. The workshop aims to generate innovative solutions towards achieving inclusive research through mutual learning among all attendees.

The 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive is a fully virtual event.

Participating in HERI

HERI welcomes all participants. Past participants have been:

  • Community leaders and members.
  • Members of community-based and faith-based organizations.
  • Learners interested in health equity research.
  • Members of academic communities (students, fellows, faculty, scientists and staff engaged in health disparities/health equity research).
  • Public policy professionals.
  • Public health professionals.
  • Healthcare providers and professionals.
  • Policy makers.

Participating in HERI will help you:

  • Apply a health equity lens to your work.
  • Collaborate more effectively with partners.
  • Apply a comprehensive framework to achieve health equity.
  • Use quantitative and qualitative methods more effectively.
  • Understand a life-course perspective.
  • Understand historical and cultural contexts of health equity.


Registration for the 2022 Health Equity Research Intensive (HERI) uses the UNC event registration system. There are questions as part of registration, asking you to select your preferred sessions for the intensive. Individual program itineraries will be provided closer to the program dates.


Agenda and presentation times vary by day. For agenda, speakers, sponsors, and more information, visit:

Clinical Trialist Training Bootcamp

Wed. 31 Aug, 2022 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

NC TraCS and the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine's CRSO are hosting a Clinical Trialist Training Bootcamp in-person and virtually beginning August 10th.

The goal of the four-session bootcamp is to educate current and future site Principal Investigators on industry-sponsored clinical trials, including:

  • the landscape of clinical trials at UNC
  • how to evaluate study opportunities
  • elements of study start-up
  • investigator responsibilities, and
  • overseeing a study throughout its life cycle.

Investigators should leave the training with more confidence on how to conduct industry-sponsored clinical trials and manage research teams.

Sessions will be held from 4-6 p.m. in TraCS room 219 (Brinkhous-Bullitt 2nd floor) and on Zoom on the following dates:

August 10 —Introduction, NC TraCS and CRSO Services, Research Opportunities and Workflow Development
August 17 —Budget Preparation, Contract Review and Execution, IRB Application
August 24 —PI Responsibilities, Participant Recruitment, Participant Engagment and Consent
August 31 —Protocol Adherence and Data Management, Adverse Events and Protocol Deviations, Site Visits, Coordinator and Staff Oversight

If attending virtually, A Zoom link will be provided to registered participants prior to the first session.

Attendance is limited. Only current or future site Principal Investigators should register.


Please contact Catherine Barnes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions.

Thu. 1 Sep, 2022

There are no events on this day.

Fri. 2 Sep, 2022

Biostatistics Seminar Series: Power analysis & sample size planning

Fri. 2 Sep, 2022 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Last year, the TraCS Biostatistics team hosted an introductory overview of power analyses. This talk is offered as a follow-up presentation, giving more varied information about sample size planning.

Emphasis will be given to different kinds of sample size estimation for different situations, the notion of effect size and how to estimate it, and some strategies to improve power. (Although the presenter will provide a brief review of hypothesis testing and the basics of power at the beginning, people who are wholly unaware of power analysis may find this follow-up talk more difficult to follow.)

Presenter: Jeff Laux, PhD
Research Associate, NC TraCS Biostatistics

Format: ~1 hour talk, 30 min Q&A


The NC TraCS Biostatistics Seminar Series provides more in-depth discussion of select biostatistical topics for clinical and translational researchers who have basic quantitative training in biostatistical methods. Join us this fall for seminars on power analysis & sample size planning, parameter interpretation in generalized mixed regression models, basic steps in questionnaire development, and choosing the right graphs and tables for your data.

Sat. 3 Sep, 2022

There are no events on this day.

Sun. 4 Sep, 2022

There are no events on this day.

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