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Mon. 22 Aug, 2022

2022 UNC Core Facilities Career Fair

Mon. 22 Aug, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Looking for an exciting career opportunity? Core facilities serve as the backbone of UNC's research infrastructure. Come learn how you can build a successful career at UNC!

Representatives from numerous UNC Core Facilities will be present to provide information and answer questions about current open positions. Core facilities specializing in the following areas will be present: animal models, cell and tissue biology, biochemistry, clinical trials support, genomics, bioinformatics, imaging, biological sciences, fabrication and engineering, biostatistics, and research support.



Biomedical Research Imaging Center

  • Radiochemistry Core
  • Small Animal Imaging Core Facility
  • Human Imaging Core
  • Small Animal MRI Core - CAMRI (9.4T Bruker)

Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease

  • Advanced Analytics Core
  • Histology Core

Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery

  • Nanomedicines Characterization Core Facility

Center for Structural Biology

  • Cryo Electron Microscopy (CryoEM) Core

Department of Biostatistics

  • Biometric Consulting Laboratory
  • Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center (CSCC)

Department of Chemistry

  • Chapel Hill Analytical and Nanofabrication Laboratory (CHANL)
  • Engineering Innovations Lab – Electronics

Department of Genetics

  • Systems Genetics Core Facility

Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM)

  • Zebrafish Aquaculture Core (ZAC)

Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics

  • ATPAC (Advanced Translational Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry) Core

Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Lineberger Bioinformatics Core
  • Mouse Phase 1 Unit (MP1U) and Animal Studies Core
  • Pathology Services Core

Marsico Lung Institute

  • MLI Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core

Neuroscience Center

  • Neuroscience Microscopy Core (NMC)

Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC)

  • Precision Nutrition Core (PNC)
  • Animal Metabolism Phenotyping Core

Nutrition Research Institute (NRI)

  • Human Research Core

Tue. 23 Aug, 2022

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Wed. 24 Aug, 2022

Clinical Trialist Training Bootcamp

Wed. 24 Aug, 2022 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

NC TraCS and the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine's CRSO are hosting a Clinical Trialist Training Bootcamp in-person and virtually beginning August 10th.

The goal of the four-session bootcamp is to educate current and future site Principal Investigators on industry-sponsored clinical trials, including:

  • the landscape of clinical trials at UNC
  • how to evaluate study opportunities
  • elements of study start-up
  • investigator responsibilities, and
  • overseeing a study throughout its life cycle.

Investigators should leave the training with more confidence on how to conduct industry-sponsored clinical trials and manage research teams.

Sessions will be held from 4-6 p.m. in TraCS room 219 (Brinkhous-Bullitt 2nd floor) and on Zoom on the following dates:

August 10 —Introduction, NC TraCS and CRSO Services, Research Opportunities and Workflow Development
August 17 —Budget Preparation, Contract Review and Execution, IRB Application
August 24 —PI Responsibilities, Participant Recruitment, Participant Engagment and Consent
August 31 —Protocol Adherence and Data Management, Adverse Events and Protocol Deviations, Site Visits, Coordinator and Staff Oversight

If attending virtually, A Zoom link will be provided to registered participants prior to the first session.

Attendance is limited. Only current or future site Principal Investigators should register.


Please contact Catherine Barnes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions.

Thu. 25 Aug, 2022

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Fri. 26 Aug, 2022

Odum Institute: Academic Publishing 101

Fri. 26 Aug, 2022 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Academic Publishing 101: From Idea to Article... And Beyond

This course will be offered in-person only and will not be recorded.

Course Summary:

Although graduate school teaches you many things, many Ph.D. students complete their dissertations having never been fully trained in academic publishing. How does academic publishing actually work? Where should you publish your research? How do you actually get papers accepted in strong academic journals? In this talk, we will discuss several major ideas in academic publishing (focusing on the social sciences). We will discuss:

  • professional integrity and ethics
  • the role of academic conversations and communities as a guide for publication forums and journal selections
  • the mechanics of publishing in journals and other forums (including outlining, writing style, journal, legal, and newspaper submissions, the peer review process, revisions, and corresponding with editors)
  • and acceptance and all that follows

Instructor: Todd Bendor

Todd BenDor is a Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research and teaching focus on developing ways to better understand and prevent impacts from urban growth on sensitive environmental systems.

Much of his recent research has studied the social, economic, and ecological consequences of ecosystem service markets and ecological restoration regulations. He has also developed computer models to assess the opportunities and consequences of urban growth, as well as promote environmental conflict resolution.

Professor BenDor is a faculty member in UNC’s Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology. He holds a B.S. from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, an M.S. from Washington State University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Registration Fees
- UNC-CH Students: $0, with a $20 deposit to hold your spot (deposit is refundable upon your attendance for at least 66% of the course)
- UNC-CH Faculty/Staff/Postdoc/Resident/Visiting Scholar: $45

Additional Course Registration
- Registration will close at 12:01 am on 8/23/2022. Once registration closes, no late registrations will be accepted, no exceptions.
- Cancellation/ Refund Policy: A full refund will be given to those who cancel their registration no later than 10 days prior to the course. If you cancel within 10 days prior to the class, no refund will be given. Please allow 30 days to receive your refund.
- For questions regarding the status of this class, please contact Jill Stevens at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: The Diuretic Comparison Project

Fri. 26 Aug, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Diuretic Comparison Project: A Large Pragmatic Clinical Trial

This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features:

Areef Ishani, MD MS
Director, Primary Care and Specialty Medicine Service Line
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Professor of Medicine
University of Minnesota

Learn More

Duke BERD Seminar: Genetic association models for related samples and population structure

Fri. 26 Aug, 2022 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

The goal of genetic association studies is to identify genetic variants that are associated with a trait or phenotype, which is often a disease. This problem is challenging to solve because there are often millions of tests to be performed, numerous causal variants, non-genetic factors that are often unknown, and structure in the genetic data.

Genetic data can be structured, in the sense that samples are not independent, under a variety of real-world scenarios, including the presence of close or distant relatives, and multiple genetic ancestries such as in multiethnic studies and recently admixed populations such as African-Americans and Hispanics. Genetic data is also structured due to linkage disequilibrium, which results in correlations between variants that are in physical proximity. In addition to reviewing all of these concepts, the presentation will focus on the two most common models for this task, namely linear regression with principal components as covariates, and linear mixed-effects models, and includes some recent evaluations comparing the two.

Intended audience: biostatisticians and clinical/translational researchers
Technical level: intermediate

Presenter: Alex Ochoa, PhD

Join Zoom

Sat. 27 Aug, 2022

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Sun. 28 Aug, 2022

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