Mon. 29 Nov, 2021 - Sun. 5 Dec, 2021
Mon. 29 Nov, 2021
TL1 Visiting Scientist Working Group: Grand Rounds - Neutralizing Antibody Suppression
Mon. 29 Nov, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Grand Rounds: Neutralizing Antibody Suppression: Overcoming a natural barrier to viral vectored gene therapies
Guest Speaker: Charlie Askew, Post Doctoral Fellow, UNC Gene Therapy Center.
Please join us for the Inaugural TL1 Grand Rounds hosted by the TL1 Visiting Scientist Working Program, UNC School of Medicine, and UC Davis School of Medicine.
Presentation: 12:00-12:45 pm
Meet and Greet: 4:00-4:30 pm
Fri. 3 Dec, 2021
Biostatistics Seminar Series: Marginal models and Mixed models for longitudinal outcomes: What’s the difference?
Fri. 3 Dec, 2021 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Longitudinal data comprise repeated measurements on the same patients taken over time. How should such data be analyzed? Two approaches are common: marginal models and mixed models. These are different kinds of models that yield different interpretations and answer different research questions.
In this session of the TraCS Biostatistics Seminar series, you will learn about the differences as well as the areas of overlap of these statistical models. It will clarify the big difference between linear and generalized linear models, and help you decide which type to use in a given study.
Presenter: Bahjat Qaqish, PhD
Professor, Department of Biostatistics
Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill
The NC TraCS Biostatistics Seminar Series provides more in-depth discussion of select biostatistical topics for clinical and translational researchers who have basic quantitative training in biostatistical methods.
CANCELED - Communication Skills: Leadership
Fri. 3 Dec, 2021 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Leadership session has been canceled on Dec 3. It will be covered on Dec 10 from 12-1 pm with the Finding and Applying Your Communication Style session from 1-2 pm.
Registration is open for the 2021-2022 TraCS Professional Development Seminar series. This seminar series is aimed at research professionals, graduate students, postdocs and early stage faculty researchers. In this series, we cover foundational skills useful for career development in clinical/translational research.
The TraCS Professional Development Seminar series is split into 4 modules: Finding Funding, Communication Skills, Mentor-Mentee Training, and Rigor and Reproducibility.
Communication Skills
October 8, 2021 | 12-1:30 pm: Paper writing |
October 15, 2021 | 12-2 pm: Pitching yourself and your research program |
October 22, 2021 | FALL BREAK |
October 29, 2021 | 12-2 pm: How to give a 10-minute scientific talk |
November 5, 2021 | 12-2 pm: Working with the media |
November 12, 2021 | 12-2 pm: LinkedIn, Social Media |
November 19, 2021 | 12-2 pm: Effective meetings |
November 26, 2021 | THANKSGIVING BREAK |
December 3, 2021 | CANCELED |
December 10, 2021 | 12-1 pm: Leadership 1-2 pm: Identifying and managing your communication style |
Through the UNC Event Registration system, you will be able to select which sessions you would like to attend. Please note: the Zoom link that you receive upon registration will work for all sessions within the Communication Skills module. Each session will be held in-person and/or via Zoom on Fridays.
Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: Primary Care-Based Behavioral Treatment for Long Term Opioid Users with Chronic Pain
Fri. 3 Dec, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Primary Care-Based Behavioral Treatment for Long Term Opioid Users with Chronic Pain: Primary Results and Lessons Learned from the PPACT Pragmatic Trial
This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features: Lynn DeBar, PhD MPH, Senior Scientist, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA