Thursday, September 10, 2020
Enhancing the Security and Integrity of America’s Research Enterprise
Thu. 10 Sep, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Kelvin Droegemeier, PhD will provide an update on the many activities undertaken by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and other offices during the past several months, offer examples of risks to research security that can harm the enterprise, and give an update on steps being taken by OSTP and agency partners to address risks to security and integrity while maintaining an open and collaborative enterprise.
This regional webinar is hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University. There will be a Q&A session at the end.
Kelvin Droegemeier, PhD
Director, OSTP
The White House
TraCS Tales of Translation - Theresa Rosario-Jansen, PhD
Thu. 10 Sep, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
TraCS Tales of Translation features experienced scientists from academia and industry discussing the many twists and turns that are a part of research careers in the life sciences. Participating scientists will be asked to speak informally about their career decisions and pivot points, what translation means to them, and their advice for early stage researchers. This week's researcher is Theresa Rosario-Jansen, PhD.
Rosario-Jansen is the Cimzia lead clinical development representative at UCB Biosciences and EEPIA companies co-lead at IMI ConcePTION. She has three years in consumer projects new technologies and thirty years in the pharmaceutical industry in global positions, spanning early discovery through postmarketing, with experience in women's health, arthritis, bone metabolic diseases and pediatrics.
There will be a Q&A session at the end.