Mon. 7 Sep, 2020 - Sun. 13 Sep, 2020
Tue. 8 Sep, 2020
Children’s Research Institute Seminar - A push for early life vaccination to protect against HIV and SARS-CoV-2 infection
Tue. 8 Sep, 2020 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
Join Kristina De Paris, PhD will lead this seminar covering the future availability of pediatric vaccines to treat HIV and COVID-19.
The School of Medicine of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Kristina De Paris, PhD
Associate Professor, Microbiology & Immunology
UNC School of Medicine
Wed. 9 Sep, 2020
Odum Institute: Methods for Cross-Cultural Research
Wed. 9 Sep, 2020 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Methods for Cross-Cultural Research is an online 2.5 hour short-course focused on designing and implementing social science research cross-culturally, with a particular emphasis on collecting interview data. In the face of increasing globalization, concerns for external validity, and the importance of capturing the diversity of human experience, there is a need to consider how to implement research cross-culturally. In this course, participants will consider different definitions of culture, how research is itself a cultural practice, what perspectives and analytical approaches can be employed in cross-cultural research, as well as best practices in designing and implementing cross-cultural research.
The presenter, Allegra J. Midgette, is a postdoctoral fellow at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Allegra has conducted studies examining Chinese and South Korean children’s and families’ moral reasoning regarding the fairness of the gendered division of labor, Chinese and American children’s and adolescents’ social and moral transgressions and strategies for self-correction, and Korean adolescents’ reasoning about social conventions.
NIH @ NC State Grantsmanship Series - Finding Funding Opportunities
Wed. 9 Sep, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This session will discuss navigating NIH funding opportunity announcements. Topics covered include: understanding RFAs, PAs, and NOSIs; navigating the NIH Guide and RePORTER; and scanning an announcement for clues to see if it’s right for you.
The NC State Research Development Office invites everyone to the NIH @ NC State Fall Grantsmanship Series. These seminars will acquaint you with the basics of NIH. Registration is required to receive an appointment with zoom details.
REDCap Hands-On Form Building Training Session
Wed. 9 Sep, 2020 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The REDCap Hands-On Form Building Training Session will teach users to build forms using the online designer or data dictionary. This session will be a click along hands-on/lecture/demo.
Our current REDCap trainings are offered as webinar-only.
About REDCap
REDCap is a secure web application that can be used to build and manage case report forms, surveys and other data capture mechanisms for clinical research. NC TraCS provides training classes to assist you in getting started with building REDCap data collection forms for your research projects.
Current REDCap training offerings include:
- Forms (beginner)
- Forms: Hands On (beginner)
- Functions (advanced)
- Open Session (Surveys and general questions)
- Clinical Data Management (3-day)
For more information, please visit our REDCap webpage.
13th Annual Harry Guess Memorial Lecture - Drug Safety in Pregnancy: Challenges and Solutions in the Modern Era of Pharmacoepidemiology
Wed. 9 Sep, 2020 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Since 2008, the UNC International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology chapter has sponsored the Harry Guess Memorial Lecture. This lecture series was conceived of by UNC students to honor the late Harry Guess, MD, PhD, a man who built the pharmacoepidemiology program at UNC with outstanding dedication to teaching and mentoring.
This year's lecture will center on drug safety in pregnancy; the challenges and solutions in the Modern Era of Pharmacoepidemiology.
Presenter: Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, MD, DrPH
Professor, Epidemiology
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Thu. 10 Sep, 2020
Enhancing the Security and Integrity of America’s Research Enterprise
Thu. 10 Sep, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Kelvin Droegemeier, PhD will provide an update on the many activities undertaken by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and other offices during the past several months, offer examples of risks to research security that can harm the enterprise, and give an update on steps being taken by OSTP and agency partners to address risks to security and integrity while maintaining an open and collaborative enterprise.
This regional webinar is hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University. There will be a Q&A session at the end.
Kelvin Droegemeier, PhD
Director, OSTP
The White House
TraCS Tales of Translation - Theresa Rosario-Jansen, PhD
Thu. 10 Sep, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
TraCS Tales of Translation features experienced scientists from academia and industry discussing the many twists and turns that are a part of research careers in the life sciences. Participating scientists will be asked to speak informally about their career decisions and pivot points, what translation means to them, and their advice for early stage researchers. This week's researcher is Theresa Rosario-Jansen, PhD.
Rosario-Jansen is the Cimzia lead clinical development representative at UCB Biosciences and EEPIA companies co-lead at IMI ConcePTION. She has three years in consumer projects new technologies and thirty years in the pharmaceutical industry in global positions, spanning early discovery through postmarketing, with experience in women's health, arthritis, bone metabolic diseases and pediatrics.
There will be a Q&A session at the end.
Fri. 11 Sep, 2020
Oliver Smithies Nobel Laureate Symposium
Fri. 11 Sep, 2020 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This annual symposium hosts a Nobel Laureate to talk about his or her life experiences and work that led to their success, and this year we are hosting William Moerner, PhD, recipient of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
There are two main virtual events on September 11th:
- Dr. Moerner will participate in a panel discussion at 1:00pm entitled “Being an Effective Expert When Expertise is Refused”
- Dr. Moerner will present his keynote lecture at 3:30pm “The Story of Light and Single Molecules: From Early FM Spectroscopy in Solids, to Super-Resolution Nanoscopy in Cells and Beyond”
Registration is required for all of these events.
Up to 20 UNC postdocs will have an opportunity to participate in a meet-and-greet with Dr. William Moerner from 2:45 -3:15 pm. This requires a separate registration, more information linked here.
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