Mon. 7 Mar, 2022 - Sun. 13 Mar, 2022
Mon. 7 Mar, 2022
Odum Institute: Introduction to Program Evaluation
Mon. 7 Mar, 2022 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
This one-day course will be offered via Zoom. Attendance is required as the course will not be recorded. The workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 3:00 p.m., with a lunch break.
Course Summary:
This course provides training on evaluating public services and programs. At the end of the course, participants will understand and be able to describe program evaluation, and how it can help you understand the basics of assessing program impact. In addition, participants will be able to identify a variety of program evaluation tools, map out a basic evaluation plan that could be used in their office, and understand how to effectively present evaluation results. At the end of the course, participants will understand and be able to describe what program evaluation is, how it focuses on success understood as outcomes, short-term and long-term impact. Throughout the workshop, we will be referring to your own situation and you will be asked to apply the ideas to the program, policy, or process that you want to evaluate in your own organization. The goal of the workshop is to let you leave with a solid ‘takeaway’ of how to start your planning evaluation planning.
No prior experience is necessary. This course will not teach specific statistical or qualitative methods, but how to best determine which might be the best for measuring success as you have defined it.
Instructor: Maureen Berner
Maureen Berner first joined the School of Government in 1998. She teaches evaluation and analysis courses for MPA students and provides similar training and advising to state and local government officials throughout North Carolina. Her personal research focuses on the ability of local organizations to address food insecurity, poverty, and income inequality. She has worked with nonprofits, food banks, local governments, and state agencies. Berner was a 2014–2016 UNC Thorp Engaged Faculty Fellow, a Visiting Scholar with the University of Ghent in Belgium in the fall of 2017, and recipient of numerous academic awards. She began her career as an Evaluator for the U.S. Government Accountability Office, serving as a Presidential Management Fellow. She has conducted major evaluations for the Federal government, statewide agencies, non-profits and foundations over the past 30 years. She earned a PhD in public policy from the LBJ School of Public Affairs, the University of Texas at Austin; an MPP from Georgetown University; and a BA in global studies from the University of Iowa.
Registration Fees
- UNC-CH Students: $0, with a $35 deposit to hold your spot (deposit is refundable upon your attendance for at least 66% of the course)
- UNC-CH Faculty/Staff/Postdoc: $95
Additional Course Registration
- Registration will close at 12:01 am on 3/4/2022. Once registration closes, no late registrations will be accepted, no exceptions.
- Cancellation/ Refund Policy: A full refund will be given to those who cancel their registration no later than 10 days prior to the course. If you cancel within 10 days prior to the class, no refund will be given. Please allow 30 days to receive your refund.
- Zoom link for this course will be sent prior to the course. Registration must be made at least 3 days prior to the course date to receive the Zoom link.
For questions regarding the status of this class, please contact Jill Stevens at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Wed. 9 Mar, 2022
Introduction to Lateral Thinking for UNC Health Providers
Wed. 9 Mar, 2022 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
An introduction to the method, tools, and mindset for solving complex problems in healthcare.
As a clinician, you might see opportunities to improve healthcare on a daily basis. It can be frustrating running into the same problems without having the tools to create change. You might have an idea for a new medical device, digital tool, or process that energizes you, but you’re not sure what to do next.
During this 30-minute webinar, we will provide an overview of the method, tools, and mindset for solving complex problems called Lateral Thinking. Lateral Thinking is a non-linear, iterative systematic process that teams use to consistently arrive at creative solutions to seemingly impossible problems.
We will share case studies demonstrating how lateral thinking tools can be applied to healthcare. As designers, we communicate with quick sketches and storyboards to bring ideas to life. Any change carries risk and uncertainty, but the ability to iterate and share your visualized ideas with the intended stakeholders helps to make progress towards improved outcomes.
At the end of the webinar, we will encourage you to apply to a 6-week program titled: Design Thinking for Healthcare Providers. The program will include five 90-min practical training sessions, coaching, and custom concept illustrations from the design team at Trig.
Co-sponsored by the NC TraCS FastTraCS program and Trig, a full-service design firm.
UNC Center for Health Equity Research: 2022 Paul A. Godley Health Equity Symposium
Wed. 9 Mar, 2022 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Paul A. Godley Health Equity Symposium brings together faculty, staff, students, and the community to:
- Highlight and encourage health equity research;
- Promote collaboration and networking; and
- Encourage strategic planning and partnerships at the UNC School of Medicine.
This symposium is named in honor of the late Dr. Paul A. Godley, Rush S. Dickson Professor of Hematology/Oncology at the UNC Department of Medicine, and Vice Dean for Diversity and Inclusion at the School of Medicine. Dr. Godley directed the program on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health Outcomes (ECHO) from its inception in 2001. His research and leadership sought to identify, understand and eliminate racial health disparities.
If you have any questions about the Paul A. Godley Health Equity Symposium, please contact CHER Research Assistant, Airianne Posey (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required for the symposium – you can pre-register now!
Thu. 10 Mar, 2022
Odum Institute: Issues Surrounding Missing Data
Thu. 10 Mar, 2022 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
This one day course will be offered IN-PERSON in Davis Library Room 219. No virtual option will be offered.
Course Summary:
In this course we will discuss methods commonly used to deal with missing data. Assumptions, assets, and disadvantages associated with each method will be covered. Included topics will be:
• Case-wise deletion
• Listwise deletion
• Mean imputation
• Hot deck
• Single value maximum likelihood
• Multiple value maximum likelihood
• Regression
• Fully conditional specification
• Data with complex sampling designs
Instructor: Chris Wiesen
Dr. Wiesen is a Senior Statistical Research Consultant at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). He offers consulting services to graduate students and faculty in the UNC system. He also teaches short courses on various software packages including SAS and Stata and topics on quantitative analysis and Introduction to Survey Computing. Before the Odum Institute, he worked for a year at the National Institute of Statistical Sciences, for two years visiting Duke University, and three years at the Research Triangle Institute (now Research Triangle International).
He is an expert in methods widely used in social and health sciences. Dr. Wiesen has extensive experience in statistical methods widely used in a variety of social science, public health, and medical research areas. His project experience has focused on selecting, developing, and implementing optimal analysis methods for academic and non-academic research among a variety of fields as diverse as psychology, sociology, medicine, public health, linguistics, education, and geography.
Registration Fees
- UNC-CH Students: $0, with a $20 deposit to hold your spot (deposit is refundable upon your attendance for at least 66% of the course)
- UNC-CH Faculty/Staff/Postdoc: $40
- Non UNC-CH: $40
Additional Course Registration
- Registration will close at 12:01 am on 3/7/2022. Once registration closes, no late registrations will be accepted, no exceptions.
- Cancellation/ Refund Policy: A full refund will be given to those who cancel their registration no later than 10 days prior to the course. If you cancel within 10 days prior to the class, no refund will be given. Please allow 30 days to receive your refund.
- For questions regarding the status of this class, please contact Jill Stevens at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Fri. 11 Mar, 2022
Geriatrics: Aging Biology and Potential Relevance for Clinical Practice
Fri. 11 Mar, 2022 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Aging Biology and Potential Relevance for Clinical Practice
UNC Geriatrics Weekly Division Meeting featuring James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD
Dr. Kirkland is Director of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at Mayo Clinic and Noaber Foundation Professor of Aging Research. His research is on the contribution of fundamental aging processes, particularly cellular senescence, to age-related and chronic diseases and development of agents and strategies for targeting fundamental aging mechanisms to treat age- and chronic disease-related conditions and morbidities.
Additional research areas include molecular and physiological mechanisms of age-related adipose tissue and metabolic dysfunction, frailty, and loss of resilience to infections and acute diseases in old age. Dr. Kirkland published the first clinical trials of senolytic drugs and is currently conducting multiple clinical trials of senolytics, including three clinical trials for COVID-19. He has more than 225 publications and holds over 20 patents.
He is Principal Investigator of the Translational Geroscience Network, which brings together 8 academic institutions to translate healthspan interventions, including senolytics and other drugs that target fundamental aging processes, from bench to bedside. He is a scientific advisory board member for several companies and academic organizations.
He is President of the American Federation for Aging Research, a past member of the National Advisory Council on Aging of the National Institutes of Health, past chair of the Biological Sciences Section of the Gerontological Society of America, and past member of the Clinical Trials Advisory Panel of the National Institute on Aging. He is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine, geriatrics, and endocrinology and metabolism. Dr. Kirkland is the 2020 recipient of the Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction from the American Federation for Aging Research.
Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: Understanding a Patient’s Daily Experience Through Mobile Devices and Wearables
Fri. 11 Mar, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Understanding a Patient’s Daily Experience Through Mobile Devices and Wearables: Lessons Learned From the 8,000 Patient MIPACT Study and Implementation in the PCORI THRIVE Pragmatic Trial
This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features:
Sachin Kheterpal, MD, MBA
Professor of Anesthesiology
Associate Dean for Research IT
PI for MIPACT and Co-PI for THRIVE University of Michigan
Jessica Golbus, MD
Clinical Instructor, Cardiovascular Medicine
University of Michigan
Nicole Pescatore, MPH
MIPACT Clinical Research Project Manager University of Michigan