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Mon. 18 Oct, 2021

Introduction to Focus Groups

Mon. 18 Oct, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

This interactive online workshop will provide an introduction to focus groups, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Attendees will also participate in a mini "mock" virtual focus group session.


  • Focus group methodology
  • Considerations for planning a focus group
  • Development of focus group discussion guides
  • Focus group facilitation skills
  • Tips for conducting virtual focus groups

MaryBeth Grewe, MPH, NC TraCS Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program Qualitative Research Specialist
Simone Frank, MPH, Engagement and Outreach Coordinator, of the NC TraCS Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program

** Please note: We have added a second session of the Introduction to Focus Groups workshop. It is now offered on October 18 and October 19. Both sessions include the same content. Please register for only one session. Thank you! **



Tue. 19 Oct, 2021

N3C: Orientation to the N3C Data Enclave - Session B

Tue. 19 Oct, 2021 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Join a live training session for the N3C Data Enclave. Users of all types can learn how to navigate the N3C, utilize the Enclave and resources it provides, and learn how to better achieve their analytical goals. This orientation is split into 2 sessions – Session A and Session B. These orientations are ongoing and will alternate week by week. Session A is recommended before attending Session B

Session B is for analysts, statisticians, data scientists, or anyone who wants to gain a broader understanding of the tools needed to work with the data.

Topics include:

  • Focus on technical aspects of working with data in the secure N3C Enclave, including use of OMOP concept sets and N3C-specific tooling, such as the Concept Set Browser.
  • Introduce commonly used analysis tools, such as Contour and Code Workbooks and corresponding workflows for simple analyses.
  • Introduce the Enclave Knowledge Store, a mechanism for sharing and using community-developed code and data across projects.

Note: This orientation is held alternating Tuesdays | 8-9:30am PT/11am-12:30pm ET


Introduction to Focus Groups

Tue. 19 Oct, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

This session (and waitlist) is FULL.

This interactive online workshop will provide an introduction to focus groups, a data collection method used in qualitative research. Attendees will also participate in a mini "mock" virtual focus group session.


  • Focus group methodology
  • Considerations for planning a focus group
  • Development of focus group discussion guides
  • Focus group facilitation skills
  • Tips for conducting virtual focus groups

MaryBeth Grewe, MPH, NC TraCS Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program Qualitative Research Specialist
Simone Frank, MPH, Engagement and Outreach Coordinator, of the NC TraCS Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program

** Please note: We have added a second session of the Introduction to Focus Groups workshop. It is now offered on October 18 and October 19. Both sessions include the same content. Please register for only one session. Thank you! **



Wed. 20 Oct, 2021

TraCS Recruitment & Retention Program Drop-in Office Hours

Wed. 20 Oct, 2021 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The TraCS Research Recruitment & Retention Program offers Drop-in Office Hours every third Wednesday. Get quick answers for your recruitment questions via Zoom. Our recruitment specialists can help answer brief questions, review documents, or provide resources. 

Whether you need recruitment troubleshooting, have questions about MyChart, or help designing a flyer, drop-in and we can help get things started! 



Thu. 21 Oct, 2021

UNC NRP Education Session: Inequality and Subjective Status

Thu. 21 Oct, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Inequality and Subjective Status: Why economic inequality is more than economics

Keith Payne, PhD, will present a framework for understanding how inequality affects individual outcomes based on people’s tendency to judge their own needs in comparison to others.

Learn how economic inequality shapes human decision making, attitudes, and behavior


Keith Payne, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at UNC-Chapel Hill. Payne received his PhD in Social Psychology from Washington University. He studies the effects of inequality on human thought and behavior, and how psychological patterns create and reinforce racial and economic disparities. This research is overviewed in his book, The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the way we Think, Live, and Die.


Fri. 22 Oct, 2021

Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: The STAMP Trial

Fri. 22 Oct, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The STAMP Trial: Increasing Engagement in Advance Care Planning and Lessons Learned from Partnering with Community Ambulatory Practices. 

This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features: Terri R. Fried, MD, Section Chief, Geriatrics, Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, Attending Physician, VA Connecticut Healthcare System. 

Learn More

Sat. 23 Oct, 2021

There are no events on this day.

Sun. 24 Oct, 2021

There are no events on this day.

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