Mon. 14 Jun, 2021 - Sun. 20 Jun, 2021
Tue. 15 Jun, 2021
N3C: Orientation to the N3C Data Enclave - Session B
Tue. 15 Jun, 2021 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Join a live training session for the N3C Data Enclave. Users of all types can learn how to navigate the N3C, utilize the Enclave and resources it provides, and learn how to better achieve their analytical goals. This orientation is split into 2 sessions – Session A and Session B. These orientations are ongoing and will alternate week by week. Session A is recommended before attending Session B
Session B is for analysts, statisticians, data scientists, or anyone who wants to gain a broader understanding of the tools needed to work with the data.
Topics include:
- Focus on technical aspects of working with data in the secure N3C Enclave, including use of OMOP concept sets and N3C-specific tooling, such as the Concept Set Browser.
- Introduce commonly used analysis tools, such as Contour and Code Workbooks and corresponding workflows for simple analyses.
- Introduce the Enclave Knowledge Store, a mechanism for sharing and using community-developed code and data across projects.
Note: This orientation is held alternating Tuesdays | 8-9:30am PT/11am-12:30pm ET
Wed. 16 Jun, 2021
UNC Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Symposium I
Wed. 16 Jun, 2021 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants: Clinical Trials and Equipoise
To identify best practices to achieve equipoise in PDA clinical trials.
- Work towards a large consortium to trial of PDA questions
- Identify the different obstacles to pragmatic trials and propose solutions to guide trial design
- Provide thought leadership on how to navigate ongoing shifts in clinicians' understanding and approach to PDA
There are no costs or fees for participating in this online educational activity. However, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED to attend the live event and qualify for CME credits. If you have questions, contact Laurie Stockton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For agenda and suggested reading, visit
REDCap Functions Training Session
Wed. 16 Jun, 2021 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

REDCap Functions is advanced training in using functions with your project such as Surveys, Randomization, Calendar/Scheduling, etc.
The session will cover Imports, Reusing Forms, Exports, Surveys, Data Quality Checks, Collecting Data Offline (REDCap Mobile), Subject App (MyCap), Pulling Epic Data, Special layouts (Shazam), Multiple Languages, and more.
Our current REDCap trainings are offered as webinar-only.
* NOTE: There are no prerequisites for taking the Functions class. Previous attendees advise that you should take one of the Forms classes prior. As a minimum, it will help if you are familiar with building forms, field types, and the options/parameters that belong to those field types.
About REDCap
REDCap is a secure web application that can be used to build and manage case report forms, surveys and other data capture mechanisms for clinical research. NC TraCS provides training classes to assist you in getting started with building REDCap data collection forms for your research projects.
Current REDCap training offerings include:
- Forms (beginner)
- Forms: Hands On (beginner)
- Functions (advanced*)
- Open Session (Surveys and general questions)
- Clinical Data Management (3-day)
For more information, please visit our REDCap webpage.
Thu. 17 Jun, 2021
NRP: Prevention of COVID-19: WHAT’S NEXT?
Thu. 17 Jun, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Myron Cohen, Director, Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases will discuss the progress we have made since 2020 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the work we still have left to do.
- Provide latest updates and strategies to protect yourself and your communities
- Describe approved, and next stage investigational treatments and trials
- Current and future impact of COVID-19 on the research agenda
Attendance at this event is pending approval for 1 contact hour of clinical research education on applications for Maintenance of ACRP’s CCRC®, CCRA®, CPI® or ACRP-CP® certification designations
The UNC-NRP is a peer group that is open to all research personnel on campus to promote excellence in the conduct of clinical, social, and translational research through education, professional development and mentoring. Learn more at
Fri. 18 Jun, 2021
Wisdom in the Room: Seed to Plate
Fri. 18 Jun, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Wisdom in the Room - Seed to Plate: Nutrition & Physical Activity in the Migrant Education Program of Robeson County
Serilda Goodwin, Jay Leggette, Catherine Rohweder, DrPH, and Rita Hagevik, PhD, will discuss how they have implemented the Seed to Plate nutrition & physical activity program within Robeson County Public Schools Migrant Education Program, describe the partnerships that have supported this work, share key lessons learned, and discuss how community engagement can benefit implementation science.
Wisdom in the Room is a conference call series hosted by the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program at NC TraCS at UNC-Chapel Hill. It provides a forum for information and resource sharing among community partners, research stakeholders, and others interested in community engaged research.
Serilda Goodwin, Migrant Education Program
Public Schools of Robeson County
Jay Leggette, Grassroots Community Health Coordinator
The Stimulus
Catherine Rohweder, DrPH, Senior Investigator
UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Rita Hagevik, PhD, Professor
Department of Biology, UNC-Pembroke
Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: The MITIGATE Study
Fri. 18 Jun, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The MITIGATE Study: Insights from a Decentralized, Virtual, Electronic Health Record-Based Pragmatic Clinical Trial
This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features Andrew P. Ambrosy, MD, Professor, Research Scientist, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research, and Alan S. Go, MD, Director, Solutions Through Technology and Advanced Analytics Research (STAR) Group.