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Odum Institute: Modular design and automated testing with Python

Mon. 18 Nov, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Modular design and automated testing with Python

This 4-hour course will be split over 2 days (11/18/24 and 11/20/24) and offered via Zoom. Attendance is required as the course will not be recorded.

Research is relying on increasingly complex code. However, most academics have not received formal training in software development. This course will introduce participants to some of the best practices of professional software development. Participants will learn to structure their Python code into reusable functions and store those functions as separate scripts and/or packages. Participants will learn to write automated tests for their functions, to help confirm that results are as expected and to ensure that future changes to code do not cause unexpected changes to results.


Odum Institute: Cognitive Interviewing in Survey Research

Mon. 18 Nov, 2024 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This 4-hour course will be held online only. Attendance is required as it will not be recorded.

Cognitive interviewing in survey research is a tool that allows researchers to improve survey questions and questionnaires by better understanding how respondents understand and respond to the questions they are being asked. Data gathered through cognitive interviews help researchers identify and remedy issues with their questionnaires. This short course provides participants with fundamentals on where cognitive interviews fit in the survey process and on how to design, conduct, and analyze cognitive interviews. Participants will have the opportunity to practice specific cognitive interviewing techniques, including think-alouds, probing, and observation. Participants will also learn about revising survey questions based on interpreting cognitive interview results and about the research on which cognitive interview practices are based.


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