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APHA 2023: Annual Meeting & Digital Expo

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APHA 2023 is hosting a digital expo for those unable to travel to the in-person expo. The online component of APHA 2023 includes live virtual sessions on November 9 and access to all scientific session recordings from the in-person meeting. You’ll even be able to participate live in the Featured and General Sessions, November 12-15. APHA’s 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo is the premier public health event of the year offering innovative and exciting opportunities to help you reach your personal and professional goals. Engage with public health experts, collaborate with other advocates and grow professionally.

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Clinical Protocol Development Series - Day 2

Wed. 15 Nov, 2023 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Clinical Protocol Development Series

The goal of this two-day series is to provide researchers with the knowledge, tools, and resources to aid in the development of a scientific protocol for a clinical research study. Both sessions will begin at 9 a.m. and a question-and-answer session will follow each presentation.

On the second day of the series, we will take a "deeper dive" into clinical study design, statistics, and their impact on reporting:
- Clinical Protocol Study Design - aims, objectives, endpoints, and outcomes
- Statistical analysis, sample size considerations, data management
- - registration and outcome measure reporting
- Protocol problem spots and ways to improve protocols

Audience: academic researchers, scientists, study coordinators, and students engaged in clinical research and/or clinical trials.

ACRP Contact Hours: ACRP no longer approves 3rd party requests for CE credit. However, attendees are still welcome to self-report to ACRP for CE credit.


Odum Institute: Cognitive Interviewing in Survey Research

Wed. 15 Nov, 2023 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

This course will be offered over two mornings (11/13/23 and 11/15/23 from 9:30am – 1pm US Eastern) via Zoom only.

Attendance is required as the course will not be recorded.

Cognitive interviewing in survey research is a methodology researchers use to gain a better understanding of how respondents think when answering specific survey items. Data gathered using the cognitive interview approach help researchers identify and remedy issues with their questionnaires. This short course is designed to provide participants with fundamentals on how to design, conduct, and analyze cognitive interviews. Participants will have the opportunity to practice specific cognitive interviewing techniques, including think-alouds, probing, and observation. Participants will also learn about revising survey questions based on interpreting cognitive interview results.

Course Goals

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize components of the survey response process
  2. Describe elements of the cognitive interview process and techniques
  3. Understand how to use cognitive interviews across various survey modes
  4. Complete recruitment and facilitate cognitive interview logistics
  5. Design and implement a cognitive interview protocol
  6. Identify ways to improve survey questionnaires and items based on cognitive interview data

Instructor: Jessica Grant

Jessica Grant is the Assistant Director of Survey Research and Development in the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also the Director for Odum's Certificate in Survey Science. Prior to joining the Odum Institute, Ms. Grant was a Research Survey Scientist and Administrative Manager in the Public Health and Clinical Research program within RTI International's Survey Research Division for over 13 years. She received her M.A. in Sociology at Fayetteville State University while working as the Survey Research Center Coordinator at Fayetteville State's Research Center for Health Disparities. She received her B.A. in Sociology and Women's Studies from UNC Chapel Hill.

Registration fees

  • UNC Chapel Hill Students: $0, with a $35 deposit to hold your spot (deposit is refundable upon your attendance for at least 66% of the course)
  • UNC Chapel Hill Faculty/Staff/Postdoc/Resident/Visiting Scholars: $80
  • Non-UNC Chapel Hill University Student/Employee (must have active university email): $105
  • Government/Non-Profit/Corporate: $130

Additional course information

Registration closes at 12:01am, 11/10/2023. Once registration closes, no late registrations will be accepted, no exceptions.

Zoom link for this course will be sent prior to the course. Registration must be made at least 3 days prior to the course date to receive the Zoom link.


Engagement in Research Interactive Workshop

Wed. 15 Nov, 2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Engagement in Research Interactive Workshop: Developing and Implementing Your Community/Patient Engagement Plan

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about and seek feedback on their patient and/or community engagement plans from facilitators (UNC engagement staff & community partners) and other attendees. This session serves as an interactive workshop in which participants will get a chance to: 1) discuss their engagement plans; 2) troubleshoot issues they are experiencing; 3) get new ideas while learning from others; and 4) leave the session with an updated engagement plan document.

To attend, participants must be in the process of developing or implementing a patient and/or community engagement plan for an active or upcoming project. Those who have engagement plans from previous projects may also be interested in attending, as this workshop may present an opportunity to improve upon or revise a prior engagement plan for future use. Participants must have attended one or more of the Engaging Patient, Community, and Other Partners in Your Research: Online Training Series sessions offered by NC TraCS and UNC Lineberger OR have some knowledge of engagement in research, whether from prior trainings or personal experience. This workshop focuses on research partner engagement, which involves collaborating with patient, community, or other partners who are not enrolled in your study to improve the study's design, conduct, and/or dissemination (it does NOT focus on research participant engagement, where the goal is to retain participants who are enrolled in a study).

Preparing for this workshop: When completing the Eligibility Screener in Qualtrics, you will have the opportunity to download the 1-page Engagement Plan Template. You do not have to submit your engagement plan in advance of the workshop; however, please come to the session with an engagement plan document that you can share with the group during discussion (e.g., a completed Engagement Plan Template or previously written engagement plan).

Please note: We will not be presenting information about engaging patient, community, or other partners in research during this session; instead, we will ask participants to share where they are with their projects/engagement plans, ask questions about their engagement plans, and collectively discuss strategies for moving their engagement plans forward.


Engaging Patient, Community, and Other Partners in Your Research is a multi-part online training series. You may register for the entire series OR any single training session.

Part 1 will focus on the basics of research engagement, providing an overview of patient and community engagement and its benefits, debunking common myths and misconceptions, and providing considerations and next steps for incorporating engagement approaches into your research.

Part 2 will cover specific engagement methods, including consultative community feedback sessions, advisory boards, and working with patient and community partners as members of a research team.

Part 3 will focus on the nuances of building and maintaining partnerships, outlining best practices for developing and strengthening mutually beneficial partnerships and discussing common partnership challenges and solutions.

Those who are in the process of developing, implementing, or revising a patient and/or community engagement plan for an active or upcoming project may be interested in attending our Engagement in Research Interactive Workshop, during which participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek feedback on their engagement plans in a small group setting.

This training series was developed collaboratively with patient, community, and researcher partners and is co-sponsored by the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and NC TraCS Institute.

AAP-SPROUT Tele-inpatient ECHO: Tele-critical care consults

Wed. 15 Nov, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

AAP-SPROUT Tele-inpatient ECHO: Tele-critical care consults (community hospitals)/ICU consults

The American Academy of Pediatrics is recruiting hospitalists, pediatricians, and other health professionals to be a part of the SPROUT (Supporting Pediatric Research on Outcomes and Utilization of Telehealth) Tele-inpatient ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes). This ECHO, in partnership with the SPROUT-CTSA Network, will serve as a forum for increasing knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy regarding effective strategies and best practices related to telehealth in the hospital setting.

Project ECHO® is an innovative hub and spoke program, designed to create knowledge networks by connecting health care providers with an expert team through a tele-mentoring program using brief lectures and case‐based presentations. This ECHO, in partnership with the SPROUT-CTSA Network, will serve as a forum for increasing knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy regarding effective strategies and best practices related to telehealth in the hospital setting.

The AAP-SPROUT Tele-inpatient ECHO will meet monthly September 2023 through February 2024 at at 12 PM ET on the following dates: September 13, October 11, November 15, December 13, January 10, and February 14. Participants are eligible to claim CME/MOC 2 credits.

November 15, 2023 topic: Tele-critical care consults (community hospitals)/ICU consults | Presenter: Ken Tegtmeyer, MD, FAAP, FCCM | Facilitator: Christina Olson, MD, FAAP

Questions? Email Robinn Yu, Program Manager of ECHO Initiatives, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This project was supported in part by NIH/ NCATS SPROUT-CTSA Collaborative Telehealth Network Grant Number U01TR002626. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

NC BERD Seminar: Analysis of a discrete outcome

Wed. 15 Nov, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

NC BERD Seminar: Analysis of a discrete outcome

This introductory-level session will present the basic statistical concepts and approaches for analyzing outcome data with discrete or categorical form.

Presenter: Nathaniel O'Connell, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics and Data Science, Wake Forest University School of Medicine

This event is hosted by Wake Forest and being cross-promoted by the NC BERD Consortium, a collaboration of the CTSA-funded BERD cores at UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and Duke University School of Medicine.

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