Tuesday, June 06, 2023
CHER: Paul A. Godley Health Equity Research Week
All day
The Paul A. Godley Health Equity Research Week (HERW) brings faculty, staff, students and community members together to highlight and encourage health equity research, promote collaboration and networking, and encourage strategic planning and partnerships in the UNC School of Medicine, across UNC’s campus and beyond.
In 2020, the UNC School of Medicine, in collaboration with UNC CHER, held the first Paul A. Godley Health Equity Symposium. In 2023, the symposium is shifting to a research week with expanded opportunities to highlight health equity research from faculty, staff, students. community members and other partners. HERW will include research presentations, panel discussions and a keynote presentation.
TOWN HALL: ONE UNC Clinical Research
Tue. 6 Jun, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join Andy Johns, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, and Shakira Henderson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research, for an interactive conversation about the ONE UNC Clinical Research Initiative between the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, School of Medicine and Healthcare System.
All are encouraged to participate, share their thoughts, and ask questions. | Submit questions
Andy Johns, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Shakira Henderson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research; Vice President Research Officer; Clinical Research Integration Officer