Thursday, December 15, 2022
IHI: 2022 Online Forum
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Institute for Healthcare Improvement Online Forum
Get the IHI Forum experience from the comfort of your home or office! The Online Forum, running from December 13–15, 2022, offers a jam-packed virtual experience:
-Live and on-demand sessions with improvement experts from around the globe
-Livestream the in-person IHI Forum keynote speakers as they are presenting and on-demand
-Customize your agenda: No seating limits and post-session on-demand gives attendees access to all of their desired sessions, even if they're happening at the same time!
-Pre-conference workshops, including a CPPS review course
-Included access to the Scientific Symposium on December 15, the home of the best work in the science of health care improvement
-Access to 450+ posters, prepared by rising stars in the world of improvement
-And much more!