Tuesday, December 06, 2022
UNC CHER: The Color of Care Screening
All day
The Color of Care Screening
The Color of Care chronicles how people of color suffer from systemically substandard healthcare. COVID-19 exposed what they have long understood and lived: they do not receive the same level of care. Produced by Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions and directed by Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning director Yance Ford.
You can watch The Color of Care between December 5-December 12 in the Community Campus Partnership for Health Screening Room. Please note the access code is case sensitive, please enter it exactly as shown.
Access code for screening room: ccph
NIH: Human Subjects - Policies, Clinical Trials, and Inclusion
Tue. 6 Dec, 2022 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
-What are the basic HHS regulations and NIH policies that apply to research involving human subjects, including clinical trials?
-How do you prepare a research proposal for review that addresses the regulatory requirements?
-What are some strategies for developing realistic and scientifically acceptable inclusion plans?
Join experts from the NIH Division of Human Subjects Research and HHS Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) for answers to these questions and additional valuable information and resources. During this 2-day event, these NIH and HHS experts will share policies, resources, guidance, and case studies in this informative and engaging, live event.
For more information about the event, please click here.