Friday, November 04, 2022
Biostatistics Seminar Series: Basic steps in questionnaire development
Fri. 4 Nov, 2022 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
This session provides a discussion on the basic steps in the Devellis questionnaire development process. Topics include defining your construct(s) of interest, evaluation of existing scales, prior scale adaptation, item pool generation, scale format, and testing paradigms.
Presenter: Marcella Boynton, PhD
Biostatistician, NC TraCS KL2 and Education programs
Format: ~1 hour talk, 30 min Q&A
The NC TraCS Biostatistics Seminar Series provides more in-depth discussion of select biostatistical topics for clinical and translational researchers who have basic quantitative training in biostatistical methods. Join us this fall for seminars on power analysis & sample size planning, parameter interpretation in generalized mixed regression models, basic steps in questionnaire development, and choosing the right graphs and tables for your data.
Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds: The CardioNerds Clinical Trials Network
Fri. 4 Nov, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The CardioNerds Clinical Trials Network: Pairing Equitable Enrollment with Trainee Development
This NIH Collaboratory Rethinking Clinical Trials Grand Rounds features:
Amit Goyal, MD, MAS
Interventional/Structural Fellow, Cleveland Clinic
Cofounder of CardioNerds