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Odum Institute: Capturing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Survey Research

Thu. 27 Jan, 2022 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

This one-day course will be offered via Zoom only. Attendance is required as it will not be recorded.

Course Summary:
This short course will provide participants with a broad overview of considerations and approaches for capturing sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) in survey research. This includes examining the current best practices and approaches, and considerations for sampling and other key design considerations when researching these populations. The workshop is intended to give participants an opportunity to better understand the various current approaches to measuring SOGI, and hands-on practice developing responsive best-practice versions of SOGI questions for their own research needs.

- The (in)consistency of including SOGI items in research
- Reviewing national and state approaches to SOGI data collection
- The components of sexual orientation and gender identity
- Measuring SOGI together, and separately
- Considerations when measuring SOGI minorities among other minority groups
- Thinking of SOGI as a not-so-sensitive answer, but potentially a sensitive question
- Moving beyond binaries in response options
- Developing fit-for-purpose SOGI questions for unique subpopulations or survey needs
- Resources for SOGI best-practices and emerging research

Instructor: Justine Bulgar-Medina
Justine Bulgar-Medina is a research methodologist at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, working in the Department of Statistics and Methodology. As associated faculty in the MPPA program at Northwestern University, she teaches courses in research methods and public policy. Bulgar-Medina is an active member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research where she serves as the Associate Chair for the Conference Support Committee in addition to serving as Chair of the Student & Early Career Engagement Subcommittee. She is also an active member of the American Statistical Association and American Sociological Association. Prior to joining NORC at the University of Chicago and Northwestern, Bulgar-Medina was a faculty member at Merrimack College where she taught courses in research methods, statistics, public policy and criminology. Bulgar-Medina completed her doctoral work in Sociology & Survey Research at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

Registration Fees
- UNC-CH Students: $40
- UNC-CH Faculty/Staff/Postdoc: $60

Additional Course Registration
- Registration will close at 12:01 am on 1/24/2022. No late registrations will be accepted.
- Cancellation/ Refund Policy:
A full refund will be given to those who cancel their registration no later than 10 days prior to the course. If you cancel within 10 days prior to the class, no refund will be given. Please allow 30 days to receive your refund.
- Zoom link for this course will be sent prior to the course. Registration must be made at least 3 days prior to the course date to receive the Zoom link.

For questions regarding the status of this class, please contact Jill Stevens at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


NIH Listening Session: Research Staff (Assistants, Associates, Technicians)

Thu. 27 Jan, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Listening Sessions - NIH Stakeholders Discuss Racial & Ethnic Equity

NIH wants to listen and learn from YOU! Join a session and make your voice heard.

The UNITE initiative was established to identify and address structural racism within the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported community and the greater scientific community. NIH’s initiative aims to establish an equitable and civil culture within the biomedical research enterprise and reduce barriers to racial and ethnic equity in the biomedical research workforce.

WHAT: The listening sessions are part of UNITE’s efforts to listen and learn. Key stakeholders at all levels of the biomedical research community who work and serve in diverse settings and hold various roles, and who partner and collaborate with research teams have important experiences and insights to share. The insights that you share will provide valuable information on the full range of issues and challenges facing diverse talent within the scientific and administrative workforce and will help develop priorities and an action plan.

WHEN: Please find the schedule of listening sessions below and register for a session that best aligns with your affiliation.

Listening Sessions (Selection based on interests)

January 11, 2022 3-4:30 pm: Historically Black Colleges and Universities
January 12, 2022 12-1:30 pm: Minority-Serving Colleges and Universities
January 13, 2022 6-7:30 pm: Health Centers and Systems
January 26, 2022 6-7:30 pm: Students and Trainees
January 27, 2022 3-4:30 pm: Research Staff (Assistants, Associates, Technicians)
February 1, 2022 1-2:30 pm: Colleges and Universities

If you have further questions regarding these sessions, please feel free to email Christen Sandoval at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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