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NIH Listening Session: Health Centers and Systems

Thu. 13 Jan, 2022 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Listening Sessions - NIH Stakeholders Discuss Racial & Ethnic Equity

NIH wants to listen and learn from YOU! Join a session and make your voice heard.

The UNITE initiative was established to identify and address structural racism within the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported community and the greater scientific community. NIH’s initiative aims to establish an equitable and civil culture within the biomedical research enterprise and reduce barriers to racial and ethnic equity in the biomedical research workforce.

WHAT: The listening sessions are part of UNITE’s efforts to listen and learn. Key stakeholders at all levels of the biomedical research community who work and serve in diverse settings and hold various roles, and who partner and collaborate with research teams have important experiences and insights to share. The insights that you share will provide valuable information on the full range of issues and challenges facing diverse talent within the scientific and administrative workforce and will help develop priorities and an action plan.

WHEN: Please find the schedule of listening sessions below and register for a session that best aligns with your affiliation.

Listening Sessions (Selection based on interests)

January 11, 2022 3-4:30 pm: Historically Black Colleges and Universities
January 12, 2022 12-1:30 pm: Minority-Serving Colleges and Universities
January 13, 2022 6-7:30 pm: Health Centers and Systems
January 26, 2022 6-7:30 pm: Students and Trainees
January 27, 2022 3-4:30 pm: Research Staff (Assistants, Associates, Technicians)
February 1, 2022 1-2:30 pm: Colleges and Universities

If you have further questions regarding these sessions, please feel free to email Christen Sandoval at


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