Tuesday, October 05, 2021
N3C: Orientation to the N3C Data Enclave - Session B
Tue. 5 Oct, 2021 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Join a live training session for the N3C Data Enclave. Users of all types can learn how to navigate the N3C, utilize the Enclave and resources it provides, and learn how to better achieve their analytical goals. This orientation is split into 2 sessions – Session A and Session B. These orientations are ongoing and will alternate week by week. Session A is recommended before attending Session B
Session B is for analysts, statisticians, data scientists, or anyone who wants to gain a broader understanding of the tools needed to work with the data.
Topics include:
- Focus on technical aspects of working with data in the secure N3C Enclave, including use of OMOP concept sets and N3C-specific tooling, such as the Concept Set Browser.
- Introduce commonly used analysis tools, such as Contour and Code Workbooks and corresponding workflows for simple analyses.
- Introduce the Enclave Knowledge Store, a mechanism for sharing and using community-developed code and data across projects.
Note: This orientation is held alternating Tuesdays | 8-9:30am PT/11am-12:30pm ET
OVCR: Creativity Hubs Alumni Panel and Q&A for Fall 2021 Proposers
Tue. 5 Oct, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Please join the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research for a moderated panel designed for people looking to prepare preproposals for the Fall 2021 Creativity Hubs competition. More information on the Creativity Hubs competition is available at https://research.unc.edu/creativity-hubs/rfp/.
Qualitative Research 101
Tue. 5 Oct, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This online training session will provide an introduction to qualitative research methods. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences conducting qualitative research.
- Differences between quantitative and qualitative research
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Strategies for qualitative data collection
- Methods of qualitative data analysis
Presenter: MaryBeth Grewe, MPH,
NC TraCS Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program Qualitative Research Specialist
Odum Institute: SAS (Part 1 of 4)
Tue. 5 Oct, 2021 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This is a four-part course.
SAS part 1 of 4 will give an introduction to the SAS system and SAS windows. Topics to be covered include:
- creating and saving SAS programs
- reading in data from simple and complex text data sets
- typing variables
- obtaining frequencies, contents, and univariate statistics
Instructor: Chris Wiesen
Please note: Attendees must bring a laptop to this course with SAS (free 14-day trial of SAS software available from programmer) already loaded. SAS software will not be provided. If you are part of the UNC community, you can access SAS on the virtual lab.
Registration fees
$20 deposit required to hold your spot (deposit is refundable upon your attendance for at least 66% of the course).
Registration closes at 12:01am on 10/2/2021. Once registration closes, no late registrations will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
* Cancellation/ Refund Policy: A full refund will be given to those who cancel their registration no later than 10 days prior to the course. If you cancel within the 10 days prior to the class, no refund will be given. Please allow 30 days to receive your refund.