Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Nutrition, Immunity, and Inflammation Conference: From Model Systems to Human Trials
Tue. 27 Jul, 2021 10:00 am - Thu. 29 Jul, 2021 5:45 pm
This virtual FASEB Science Research Conference is focused on exploring the role of nutrition in innate and adaptive immunity. The conference will bring together graduate students, postdocs, and junior and senior investigators from academia and industry.
The main themes of this conference will address the complex interplay between dietary nutrients and outcomes associated with the microbiome, infection, and inflammation in the context of health and disease.
Conference sessions will present the latest research and foster discussion on:
- Diet, Microbiome, and Immunity During Infancy
- Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Immune Health
- Nutritional Immunity: The Battle for Nutrients Between Host and Bacteria
- Obesity: Impacts on Innate and Adaptive Immunity
- Diet and Infection in the Age of COVID
- Environmental and Nutritional Stressors on Immunity
- Food Components Impact Adaptive Immunity
- Dietary Patterns, Inflammation, and Disease Risk
- Diet, Inflammation, and Cancer
The conference covers nine sessions with 10 selected abstracts for short talks, and a "Meet the Expert" session in a speed-dating format, to allow engagement between junior and senior investigators. Nicole Baumgarth, PhD, DVM (University of California, Davis) will present the keynote lecture.
Organizing Committee
Charles Stephensen, USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center
Raz Shaikh, UNC-Chapel Hill
Sarah Comstock, Michigan State
Stephen Hursting, UNC-Chapel Hill
Real World Evidence in the COVID Era: The National COVID Cohort Collaborative
Wed. 28 Jul, 2021 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The National COVID Cohort Collaborative: Clinical Characterization and Early Severity Prediction
Join the NC TraCS Comparative Effectiveness Research team for a discussion on the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). This discussion will be led by Richard Moffitt, PhD, of Stony Brook University. The majority of U.S. reports of COVID-19 clinical characteristics, disease course, and treatments are from single health systems or focused on one domain. Here we report the creation of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative, a centralized, harmonized, high-granularity electronic health record repository that is the largest, most representative U.S. cohort of COVID-19 cases and controls to date. This multi-center dataset supports robust evidence-based development of predictive and diagnostic tools and informs critical care and policy.
Article for discussion: The National COVID Cohort Collaborative: Clinical Characterization and Early Severity Prediction.