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Odum Institute: Multiple Imputation

Thu. 12 Nov, 2020 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Odum Institute Short Course - Multiple Imputation: Methods And Applications

Multiple imputation offers a general purpose framework for handling missing data, protecting confidential public use data, and adjusting for measurement errors. These issues are frequently encountered by organizations that disseminate data to others, as well as by individual researchers. Participants in this workshop will learn how multiple imputation can solve problems in these areas, and they will gain a conceptual and practical basis for applying multiple imputation in their statistical work.

Topics include:

  • The pros and cons of various solutions for handling missing data
  • The motivation for and general idea behind multiple imputation
  • Methods for implementing multiple imputation including multivariate modeling, conditional modeling, and machine learning based approaches
  • Methods for checking the adequacy of imputations via graphical display and posterior predictive checks
  • Applications of multiple imputation for scenarios other than missing data
The course will have an online format spread over two half days. The first half day will cover general methodologies, and the second half day will cover applications.

Jerry Reiter, PhD, Professor, Statistical Science
Duke University


Odum Institute: Logistic Regression

Thu. 12 Nov, 2020 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

This online short course provides an introduction to logistic regression. Model specification, identification, estimation, hypothesis-testing, and interpretation of results are covered. Software to estimate these models is discussed, but not demonstrated. This is not a course on software, but rather a course on the concepts and uses of logistic regression.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cathy Zimmer, PhD, Social Science Researcher
Odum Institute


Stone Center: “The Meaning of Soul,” with Author Emily J. Lordi

Thu. 12 Nov, 2020 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Book Talk with Author Emily Lordi -- The Meaning of Soul: Black Music and Resilience since the 1960s

Join Emily J. Lordi and Michael Simanga for a discussion of Lordi’s latest book, The Meaning of Soul, via Zoom.

In The Meaning of Soul (Duke University Press, 2020), Lordi proposes a new understanding of this famously elusive concept. In the 1960s, Lordi argues, soul came to signify a cultural belief in black resilience, which was enacted through musical practices-inventive cover versions, falsetto vocals, ad-libs, and false endings. Through these soul techniques, artists such as Aretha Franklin, Donny Hathaway, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Isaac Hayes, and Minnie Riperton performed virtuosic survivorship and thus helped to galvanize black communities in an era of peril and promise. Their soul legacies were later reanimated by such stars as Prince, Solange Knowles, and Flying Lotus.

Breaking with prior understandings of soul as a vague, masculinist political formation tethered to the Black Power movement, Lordi offers a vision of soul that foregrounds the intricacies of musical craft, the complex personal and social meanings of the music, the dynamic movement of soul across time, and the leading role played by black women in this musical-intellectual tradition.


Emily J. Lordi, Associate Professor, English
Vanderbilt University

Michael Simanga, PhD, Lecturer, Department of African American Studies
Georgia State University


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