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Odum Institute: SAS

Mon. 31 Aug, 2020 3:00 pm - Thu. 3 Sep, 2020 5:00 pm

UPDATE (9/3)
Unfortunately, part 4 of this series has been canceled for 9/3. We apologize for any inconvenience. At this point, no plans have been made to make up this section. The Odum Institute will be in touch with participants if that changes. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

SAS part 1 of 4 will give an introduction to the SAS system and SAS windows. Topics to be covered include:

  • creating and saving SAS programs
  • reading in data from simple and complex text data sets
  • typing variables
  • obtaining frequencies, contents, and univariate statistics

SAS part 2 will cover:

  • formatting variable venues
  • creating SAS libraries for storing and retrieving SAS data sets and format files
  • reading raw data from external files
  • creating new SAS data sets from existing SAS data sets, subsetting by observation and by variable

SAS part 3 will cover:

  • how to create new SAS data sets combining information from multiple existing SAS data sets
  • how to sort, concatenate, interleave, and merge data sets
  • how to perform the t-test, and test for no association in a contingency table

For SAS part 4, attendants will be allowed to suggest topics.

  • Past topics include variable retyping, creating SAS datasets from SAS output
  • creating html and Microsoft Word tables
  • ANOVA, importing and exporting Excel files.

To allow for the new social distancing policies in place for in-person instruction in the Fall 2020 semester, Odum will require registration for this course to ensure proper seating. This course is free, but you must register to secure your spot in the course. Students MUST bring a laptop to class with SAS software loaded or to be able to access the virtual lab. The classroom will not have computers available.


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