Study Design and Data & Analysis

TraCS IDSci supports investigator studies with innovative technology and advanced analytics. Our services include CDW-H, i2b2, EMERSE, PCORnet and STAR CRN, Epic Research Informatics, REDCap, CDART 2.0 / Dental Toolkit,...
We collaborate with and provide consultations for investigators in biomedical research. We work with investigators to efficiently identify unmet statistical design and methodological needs, and develop new design and analysis...
We facilitate research to improve clinical treatment decisions and public health for diverse populations. We educate clinician-scientists in a range of CER methods. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) is designed to improve...
TraCS offers a range of support services to investigators who use or are considering heterogeneous methodological approaches in their research. TraCS supports investigators facing the challenge of integrating contrasting...
The NC TraCS Qualitative Research Service offers a variety of services to support faculty, staff, students, and community partners conducting qualitative research projects. Qualitative Research Services The NC...
The Librarians at the UNC Health Sciences Library can be partners in your research process by providing information and data management support, guidance, and referrals. They can also provide in-person consultations about...
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160 N. Medical Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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