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UNC IRB Membership Drive

Do you wish the IRB could review studies more quickly?
Are you frustrated when your study cannot be placed on an earlier meeting agenda?
Do you wonder how the IRB functions or why you receive all those stipulations?
Are you interested in research ethics and how they are applied at UNC?

If you answered β€œyes” to any of the questions above, please consider volunteering with the IRB! Studies can only be reviewed if volunteers, with adequate expertise, are in attendance at our meetings. For this reason, the review of some studies are postponed if our volunteers do not possess ample expertise.

We currently have a critical need for volunteers who are MDs with specialties from all areas.

If you would like more information, to attend an IRB meeting as an observer, or are interested in volunteering, please contact Elizabeth Kipp Campbell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 919.843.3186.

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