ACTS announces new themed issue on mentorship with call for papers

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Learn how you can share your research through the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science: The Official Journal of ACTS and CR Forum (JCTS).

JCTS is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers capturing the spectrum of research from T1 (translation from research lab bench to bedside) through to T4 (translation to populations). JCTS aims to provide a forum for the rapid communication of relevant topics of interest to the large and diverse community of clinical and translational scientists.

JCTS highlights outstanding work in the following areas:

  • Basic and Preclinical Research
  • Clinical Research
  • Education
  • Research Methods and Technology
  • Implementation, Policy, and Community Engagement
  • Translational Research Design and Analysis

Upcoming Thematic Issues

JCTS is accepting manuscripts for an upcoming thematic issue: Advancing the Science and Practice of Effective Mentorship

Deadline for Submission: Nov 11, 2024.

Manuscripts may be submitted for peer review in any of the Journal's article types:

  • Research Articles
  • Expedited Reports
  • Brief Reports
  • Letters
  • Special Communications
  • Comments
  • Review Articles
  • Editorials
  • Perspectives
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Translational Science Case Studies

For a full description of each manuscript category, as well as information on the submission of manuscripts, journal policy and journal style, please visit the JCTS Instructions for Contributors on Cambridge Core.

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