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Call for applications for TraCS R Writing Group: lab-based researchers

The R-Writing Group assists participants in developing their first R-level research grant application to NIH or R-equivalent grant to another funding agency in spring 2024.

Investigators are eligible if they have not been awarded an R-type grant (i.e. resubmissions are acceptable).

Each participant is expected to contribute to the evaluation of the work of their colleagues; participation is thought to be critical in developing skills the researcher will need for future independent grant writing experiences.

Individuals who are interested in joining the group must submit the following by 8:00 a.m., August 26, 2023 to Krista Pfeffer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

  1. a brief letter of introduction listing your current position, whether you are on tenure track, and the anticipated time of your promotion review, the target institute/agency for submission and submission date
  2. an updated NIH biosketch including Other Support
  3. a 1/2 to 1 page introduction to your work, including preliminary data from which you plan to develop your proposal and the type of grant for which you intend to apply

Once applications are received, 30 minute interviews will be set up with the course faculty. Final selection will be made after interviews are completed.

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