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ARPA-H announces funding competition

The ARPA-H Dash to Accelerate Health Outcomes (ARPA-H Dash) is a collaborative and competitive online event designed to identify worthy and novel ideas for health transformation, along with the key scientific evidence that indicates the transformation is possible.

The goal of the ARPA-H Dash is to identify transformations in the four ARPA-H focus areas that could be achieved with effort and investment, ideally in the near term but certainly within 20 years.

The ARPA-H Dash uses a tournament-style bracket structure to present and evaluate a field of 64 entries grouped under four focus areas:

  • Health Science Futures
  • Scalable Solutions
  • Proactive Health
  • Resilient Systems

Descriptions of each of these focus areas can be found at

Transformation entries will be accepted for review between March 29 and April 7, 2023. The initial bracket will include 16 entrants from each focus area for a total of 64 available entry positions.

The total monetary prize package is $83,000. Two types of prizes – for submitter participants and for voter participants – will be awarded.

For overview, rules, entry form, and brackets, visit:

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