Become a peer reviewer at PCORI

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is an independent, nonprofit research organization. Their goal is to support research that will provide reliable, useful information to help people make informed healthcare decisions and improve patient care and outcomes.
As part of that goal, they conduct peer review of draft final research reports (DFRRs) for all funded research projects. They are searching for individuals to serve as reviewers of these final reports.
Patient, caregiver, and other community voices are an essential component of the peer review process to ensure that research results are presented in a way that is relevant and useful to the people who need the results. As a peer reviewer, you would be invited to provide comments on a DFRR that matches your experience and expertise, and to provide your thoughts about the quality of the report. Specific educational background or work experience is not required to be a reviewer.
As a PCORI peer reviewer, you would:
- Have access to reviewer training
- Choose how many reports you review
- Spend 5-10 hours per report depending on the research study
- Perform all work from your home or office
- Receive a small payment to thank you for completing the review
- Learn more about research of interest to you
Some experienced peer reviewers may be asked to serve on a Peer Reviewer Board. They commit to reviewing three draft final research reports per year and provide feedback on any proposed changes to peer review. Peer Review Board members also receive compensation for completing reviews.
Step 1: Email Amber Williams, Review Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer or if you have served as a peer reviewer of PCORI final reports in the past and are interested in a review board member position.
Step 2: Register a profile on the peer review database at Click on "Register" to create a new profile. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.