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Applications open for Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards

Burroughs Wellcome logo

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) is now accepting applications for their Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards, which provides up to $500,000 over five years to academic investigators developing new methodologies or innovative approaches in regulatory science that will ultimately inform the regulatory decisions the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and others make.

BWF recognizes Regulatory Science as an important yet underfunded area of research and aims to provide research support to stimulate innovation in this area.

The process of translating biomedical discoveries into new therapies has become increasingly complex in light of evolving science and technology, and requires that the science of regulation keep up with the advances in biomedical science and technology. For example, existing animal models of human disease are often poor predictors of efficacy of new therapeutic approaches in humans. As new technologies produce new types of preclinical models, innovation is needed in the evaluation of these models to justify movement into clinical studies. Although numerous reports have documented the importance of this area of research to the future of the biomedical enterprise, it remains inadequately supported.

Applications due: February 10, 2023 by 3 p.m. ET

View the RFP

For more information and application instructions, visit

The following video (recorded in 2020) contains a wealth of information about the IRSA program. *Note that some deadlines referred to within the video reference a past award cycle.

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