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UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility releases 2023-2024 RFA

The UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (CEHS) has released the 2023-2024 Pilot Projects Program Request for Applications.

Letters of intent are due October 14, 2022 and applications are due November 4, 2022. View proposal guidelines (pdf)

The Pilot Projects Program (PPP) is a high-impact and strategic initiative of the Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (CEHS). Its mission is to:

  1. cultivate innovative, transdisciplinary environmental health research,
  2. support junior investigators and incentivize experienced investigators in conducting environmental health and susceptibility-related research,
  3. integrate researchers with CEHS facility cores to support novel investigations capable of generating advancements in environmental health research, and
  4. provide opportunities for research translation that impacts the health of North Carolinians.

In consultation with the Administrative Core and the Internal Advisory Committee, the PPP director coordinates, administers, tracks and evaluates the program.

The PPP has four phases: Pre-application, Application, Award Period, and Dissemination & Evaluation. Within these phases, CEHS personnel and faculty leaders distribute the RFA, connect researchers with core facilities, coordinate the scientific review of pilot applications, monitor active projects for progress and budget expenditures, and connect researchers with the Community Engagement Core (CEC) for community-level dissemination opportunities.

The program includes three mechanisms: Team Science awards of $50,000 (2-3 per year); Single Investigator awards of up to $25,000 (3-5 per year); and, Rapid Response awards of up to $15,000 per year (up to 6 per year).

For more information, visit

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