Celebrate 10 years of NCATS achievements on Dec. 7

NCATS is hosting a virtual event on Dec. 7, 2021, from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. EST to commemorate its 10-year anniversary, highlighting how their innovative and team-science approach addresses unmet needs.
NCATS uses translational science and state‑of‑the‑art technologies to tackle the toughest health challenges. We look forward to another decade of building bold solutions that break down barriers and bring more treatments to all people more quickly. Joni L. Rutter, Ph.D. | NCATS Acting Director
Featured topics will spotlight the transformational power of data, novel approaches for de-risking a drug's journey along the preclinical pathway, crosscutting solutions for many diseases, and high-impact innovations in clinical research. Speakers will provide perspective on remaining roadblocks and new opportunities through conversations and lightning round talks. View the list of speakers
This December marks 10 years of harnessing the power of translational science to speed solutions for many diseases at a time. NCATS' mission is to remove or bypass scientific and operational obstacles that stand in the way of getting more treatments to more people more quickly. They do this by advancing translational science.
Translational science looks at the big picture to identify common pitfalls and develop innovative solutions, thus enabling promising discoveries to become real-world applications that improve people's health. NCATS activities exemplify translational science principles, such as boundary-crossing collaborations, bold and rigorous approaches, and efficiency and speed.
This event is free and open to the public.