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OHRE announces personnel modification enhancement to IRBIS

The UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) has announced a large enhancement in IRBIS expected to go live the evening of May 6, 2021. This update is based on feedback from the research community and will allow for a personnel modification to be processed at the same time and be completed independently of other modifications that may be in the system.

Key Enhancements:

  1. Personnel modification can be completed quickly in parallel with other modifications (e.g., protocol updates, reconsent, updated activities).
  2. Multiple personnel modifications can be completed while other modifications are in progress.
  3. Users no longer need to "write out/explain personnel changes" in the project summary, as a "track changes" feature has been implemented.

Join the zoom session on May 4, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. EDT to learn more. All are welcome and encouraged to attend—especially if you are managing personnel in IRBIS. The session will be recorded and made available afterward. The OHRE will also publish instructions similar to other releases that will be available May 7, 2021.

Please note that if you have a submission "pending" (includes in draft, submitted to the IRB, under review, etc.) in the system when the update goes "live", your study will not be converted to the new personnel submission enhancement until the submission is complete. All other studies will be switched when the update goes live. This process will be automatic and specific requests to be "switched" to the new capabilities will not need to be made.

Check back for zoom link.

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