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What can you do with a $2,000 stakeholder engagement voucher?

The NC TraCS Stakeholder Engagement Voucher provides funding to enable equitable stakeholder engagement in health research at UNC-Chapel Hill and TraCS Institute-affiliated partner institutions.

So what can you do with a $2,000 stakeholder engagement voucher?

You can compensate your health research stakeholders for their time and input. You can cover costs associated with stakeholder engagement in your study, such as: venue rental, food, language interpreting, transportation, or childcare.

(LtoR) Tonya Van Deinse, Cynthia Fraga Rizo, and Rebecca J. Macy

Recently, three researchers from the UNC School of Social Work used a TraCS-awarded stakeholder voucher to help build partnerships with family justice centers across North Carolina.

Read what Tonya Van Deinse (Co-PI), Cynthia Fraga Rizo (Co-PI), and Rebecca J. Macy (Co-I) have to say about their experience:

Over the past couple years, there has been a rise in the development and implementation of Family Justice Centers (FJCs) across North Carolina. Family Justice Centers seek to address the barriers and challenges that survivors of partner violence experience in accessing and utilizing fragmented services by bringing together various providers to offer multiple needed services in one centralized location. Despite a national alliance that seeks to train and support FJCs, there is wide variability and no national model detailing how FJCs are operationalized and implemented across communities.

The Stakeholder Voucher Program helped us build meaningful partnerships with FJC leadership and staff across North Carolina to better understand the pressing research needs and critical questions that will help advance the field and our state. In particular, we used the Stakeholder Voucher to hold an in person summit and assist us in establishing a partnership with North Carolina FJCs to develop a joint research agenda. Building from this summit, there is now a statewide FJC evaluation workgroup focused on enhancing evaluation capacity through resource sharing and collaboration.

Are you interested in incorporating equitable stakeholder engagement in your health research? Contact our Community and Stakeholder Engagement program to discuss how we can support your research and engagement efforts.

The next due date for applications is November 17, 2020.

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