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R Grant Proposal Workshop - a great opportunity for February or June 2020 submission!

The UNC Center for Health Equity Research is hosting a two-part workshop focused on preparing and submitting proposals for R awards through the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The workshop sessions will be held on October 29, 9:00am - 1:00pm, and November 12, 2019 (9am - 4pm) in the Michael Hooker Research Center room 3005.

The workshop will be led by Carol E. Lorenz, PhD, retired Associate Director of the UNC Center for Women's Health Research. She developed these workshops after having worked with many early-stage investigators and learning some of the things they struggle with as they write their proposals. Dr. Lorenz has taught grant proposal workshops in multiple locations since 2012.

You will derive the greatest benefit if you come to both these workshop dates with a research proposal partially developed and with a specific organization and submission date in mind. The workshop is designed so that participants have time to work on appropriate parts of their own proposals during the sessions. Attendees will have the opportunity to receive feedback from their peers and the workshop leader. Much of what will be covered in the sessions will clarify common points of confusion and move participants' proposal along.

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