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UNC spinoff working to bring customizable infertility treatment to market with 3D printed IVRs

Rahima Benhabbour, PhD

AnelleO, a UNC spinoff company, is working to make a customizable drug-delivery platform for women a reality with their first product – AnelleO PRO, a progesterone-releasing intravaginal ring for treatment of infertility. AnelleO was co-founded by Rahima Benhabbour, PhD and Rima Janusziewicz, PhD.

Benhabbour, an Assistant Professor in the UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering and an NC TraCS KL2 Scholar (2015-2017), has continued her work on 3D printed intravaginal rings as a customizable drug-delivery platform that was supported in its early stages by TraCS pilot funding and continued during her time as a TraCS KL2 Scholar.

Janusziewicz developed expertise in 3D printing during graduate training and was chosen as a MOTRD UP postdoctoral fellow mentored by Benhabbour through our CTSA-funded TL1 Program to learn about commercialization and regulatory approaches to product development.

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