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CTSA Un-Meeting Request For Applications

Never heard of the CTSA Un-Meeting?

A CTSA Un-Meeting is an event without the rules and structure of a traditional conference. Attendees create and drive the agenda and discussions, based on a common theme. This format provides a unique approach for attendees to discuss their experiences and identify areas of potential research, innovation, and collaboration.

The Un-Meeting is an interactive way to cultivate ideas and make productive connections across academic centers and between academia, industry, government, and the community with the goal of developing multidisciplinary, collaborative partnerships.

Open Call for Applications

The CTSA Program hubs are uniquely positioned in national, regional and local communities to convene multidisciplinary stakeholders around crucial clinical and translational science issues. CTSA Program hubs, or connected affiliates in collaboration with hubs, are invited to apply to host a one-day Un-Meeting around a theme that advances and/or addresses barriers and challenges in the field of translational science. Proposed topics for Un-Meetings are encouraged to address key issues in translational science, or directives outlined by the National Center for Translational Sciences(NCATS).

Hubs are encouraged to apply, regardless of geographic location. Applicants should particularly consider how the suggested theme aligns with and will impact national CTSA Program efforts; engagement with their local community is also encouraged.

Please email Michelle Maclay, TraCS Communications, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.if you plan to apply.

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