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  • New RFA has been released by NIA - Building Resources for the Basic Biology of Aging in Health Disparities Research (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

New RFA has been released by NIA - Building Resources for the Basic Biology of Aging in Health Disparities Research (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This FOA will use the NIH Resource-Related Research Project (R24) mechanism to facilitate the development of research networks that will advance research in the basic biology of aging in health disparities. This will be accomplished through activities such as meetings, conferences, small-scale pilot projects, short-term training activities (e.g., student and postdoctoral fellow exchange programs or visiting scholar programs), and dissemination activities to encourage growth and development in the area of basic biology research that addresses health disparities. Awards are specifically limited in time and purpose and are non-renewable.

Applicants should include researchers from, at minimum, the following four disciplines (or some variation of these disciplines, but not limited to those identified here):

  • Basic biology of aging
  • Epidemiology
  • Quantitative genetics
  • Computational biology and/or artificial intelligence

Multi-PI applications are encouraged.

The application deadlines are October 18, 2019 and October 19, 2020.


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